Is George Bush a Nazi?


Apr 17, 2005
We asked the experts:

Gage wrote:
Do you feel America today is heading towards another Nazi Germany? If so, is Nazism affecting the whole world.

I feel Bush is trying to pull America away from its inevitable course, which is to recognize that Democracy destroys culture and turns people into selfish louts. Without culture, nothing is more important than money.

Bush wants to crush all countries that are not liberal democracies so that he can open them as markets; he knows that rich and poor alike, conditioned to greed, will vote for whatever opens new markets. Bush is against culture and wants to replace heritage with radical Christianity and support of Israel. And the environment? As far as I can tell, Bush wants to destroy it. He also wants to flood America with immigrants who will be paid far less than a fair wage, and to strengthen the mass media.

Interestingly, the Democratic candidates share the same views, although they are not as warlike.

Adolf Hitler stood against all of these things. He knew that true diversity could only be had through nationalism, and that environmental protections could come about only through strong local cultures and ties of heritage to the land. He knew that without native culture like that of his beloved Germany, our society would become one world culture based on monetary greed, television and hedonism.

People are slowly waking up to the truth of National Socialism and the knowledge that it can be applied without violence, hatred, fear or resentment. That is our goal at the LNSG: to bring about a better world order for everyone, without becoming the emotional basket cases we see in most political parties. Perhaps someday you will join us.

Interesting question. I've always considered Bush to be happy with liberal democracy and thus very much anti-Nazi. He reminds me a lot of some of the folks here.
i wouldnt say bush is a nazi cause condeliza rice is in his adminatration but i do think in away he is the new hitler. i do question his mother though.
Well, he has killed a lot of people for his "personal?" reasons, and he is obvious very Hitler-like, but without the inverted Svastica and the flags and everything.

I guess his Svastica is control and the flag consumisim (and the flag is made of oil).

Ah I wonder what will happen with the world... it's so sad to see it fade away so fast... stupid us humans.
Hey info, how do those previous two posts make you feel about the effort you go through? Is it still worth it to post to that audience? Granted, you didn't particularly put a lengthy effort into this thread (no need to), but still....

And no, Bush is not a Nazi. Good things actually happened in Germany prior to 1939. I don't recall America getting better in any sense since 2000.
i agree on the fact that Bush isn't exactly the kind of guy you'd want on the head of democratic state, but calling him a Nazi would actually be taking the question a bit too far. Sure he's had his war in Iraq, but let's not forget that that war wasn't at all to destroy muslims or whatsoever discrimination to any other race, it's purpose we can say by now would be economically: the oil. I'm not saying that this is any better reason because in my opinion it would still be steeling, just that he's capable of saying that it is to "fight against terrorism" and "fight for freedom" and other fake-reasons...
Here is my opionion to this issue: I am a german chick :) and I had to learn a lot about Hitler and NS and I am always interested to know even more about this darkest chapter in the history of my country and in the whole world actually; so that I would be able to really unterstand why did this come so far back in 1930´s and 1940´s...
I consider Bush not as a nazi, I think you can not really compare him and Hitler, now we live in a totally different world....Hitler was mentally disturbed (lays in the family I guess), but he had so much sucess with his ideas also because of the WW1 and the Versais agreement.
I think the only real interest that Bush persecute is oil.....
For me he is just ignorant and unable politician, dependent on his consultants...And when in the history did the war brought democracy to any land??? I wonder if Bush and his stuff really believe in what are they saying: they want to bring democracy to Iraq and the other countries in this area - but how: with violence and unknowledge about the foreign culture and history.
I am really afraid about what is going to happen in Iran.....
Well the nazi party was supported by many other people, some of which were Prescot Bush, who is George H Bush's Father, and GWB's grandfather. In a way it has to deal with who was controlling Hitler. The Illuminati have been starting shit and funding both sides for a long time, and WWII was certainly no exception. It is also well noted that Hilter was part of a satanic cult, with from when he changed from a normal sort of human to an insane dictator of germany. Hilter was groomed to do his job, just as GWB was groomed to do his job. It's kind of funny to note that the skull and bones originated in Germany, and also participates in satanic inspired rituals. As well as the freemasons and the goverment officials that attend Bohemian Grove in California.
Those Wall Street bankers that financed the Nazi party did so primarily to prolong the war. Such people make a lot of money out of war - they make sure that they invest in industries that benefit from war. You can be sure that Bush and his friends all invested their money in ways that allow them huge personal financial reward from any wars the US gets involved in. I believe Hitler was an idealist, and he wasn't cynically making a fortune for himself out of his position. George Bush is no idealist and he is primarily motivated by extreme greed.

Hitler was not in it for money, he wanted to expand Germany, reclaim what he trully believed was rightfully the property of Ayrian people. He may have had some fun making a bit of money whilst he was at it, but his primary reasons were not financial.

Bush and his cronies are in it for cash, as are a lot of politicians these days. I don't think we can really deny that several people in Bush's government have benefitted a great deal for war-making across the globe.
Money IS power in modern society. It can be transferred to pollitical or military power. Hitler was all about power so when he got it, money became irellevant. Money is not something that exists separately it is just a significator of kind, something we use. So there is no sense talking about money and Hitler or Stalin. Money can get you in a position of power, and we are accustomed about it in todays world, but in the past it was not that much significant, and you could get in position of power without very strong financial base.

Adolf Hitler stood against all of these things. He knew that true diversity could only be had through nationalism, and that environmental protections could come about only through strong local cultures and ties of heritage to the land. He knew that without native culture like that of his beloved Germany, our society would become one world culture based on monetary greed, television and hedonism.
What kind of lobotomy someone has to go thru to say or write something like this? Poor Robin Hitler Hood, started mass destruction and holocaust because of frustration with money greedy capitalist companies... Or it was he just didn't liked saturday night TV shows?
Dushan S said:
Money IS power in modern society. It can be transferred to pollitical or military power. Hitler was all about power so when he got it, money became irellevant. Money is not something that exists separately it is just a significator of kind, something we use. So there is no sense talking about money and Hitler or Stalin. Money can get you in a position of power, and we are accustomed about it in todays world, but in the past it was not that much significant, and you could get in position of power without very strong financial base.

What kind of lobotomy someone has to go thru to say or write something like this? Poor Robin Hitler Hood, started mass destruction and holocaust because of frustration with money greedy capitalist companies... Or it was he just didn't liked saturday night TV shows?

Well the explanation that he didn't like TV shows is as sensible as that he was in it for power. That is plain ridiculous. You must think that EVERYTHING he did after the end of WWI was in order to become a ruler who could lord it over everyone else. So he came from a poor and lowly background and didn't really give a shit about anyone, but pretended to just so that he could have loads of people do seig heils and die for him! :loco:

Well just suppose that you wanted to solve the problems caused by international finance/capitalism. How would you go about it? Transendental meditation?

It is pretty much a fact that 9 out of 10 people have got to die to save the planet - things have got so bad. (What Hitler did was just a pinprick by comparison). The victory of international finance/capitalism will be the funeral wreath of mankind and life on Earth. That's the score.
Norsemaiden said:
Well the explanation that he didn't like TV shows is as sensible as that he was in it for power. That is plain ridiculous.
Yes, you are right, actually you have just discovered that hunger for power is not one of the main motives for people coming into...guess what? Position of power! And he used that power and fight for destroying power of everyone else, completely unintentionally. So I must agree, that you are right. He was not in it for the power. He was in it for the grupie girls!

You must think that EVERYTHING he did after the end of WWI was in order to become a ruler who could lord it over everyone else.
Actually, that is what most of the historians think, and if you are interested into technical tetrapilokthomy (the fine art of cutting hair into four parts...) and want really get into details, yes, I guess he was doing some things because of pleasure...for instance painting. But it does have nothing to do with the fact that his life was continuous fight for power. First for power over his poor folks, than power over other nations.

So he came from a poor and lowly background and didn't really give a shit about anyone, but pretended to just so that he could have loads of people do seig heils and die for him! :loco:
Well just suppose that you wanted to solve the problems caused by international finance/capitalism. How would you go about it? Transendental meditation?
khm. What should I say at this? Are you aware that there is not much common sense in this? It is like saying that Charles Manson was doing his work for a good of humanity, to make us more aware that we do not appreciate value of life.
He was not solving problems, at least it was not his primary intention, you turned it all upside down. If you want to turn country into war machine, you have to make it organized with strong industrial base. You have to feed the people, you have to brainwash them with certain philosophy about their role in world. His idea of supremacy of "Arian" race over other needed strong germany. German people were just a tool for him to achieve his own goals.

It is pretty much a fact that 9 out of 10 people have got to die to save the planet - things have got so bad. (What Hitler did was just a pinprick by comparison).
Nope. It is just that we are not organized. Planet is still big enough, and we have enough resources, but if you are rich and powerful you are not interested in organizing world into a place that would be a good home for everyone everywhere. Finaly, you are using false logic. Your logic would work only in one case:
Scenario: I have came at your house during the night. Killed all of your family in a vicious way, slowly tied you up so you can watch and "enjoy". Then I inform you that I have killed your boyfriend also. And your friends. All of them. Then I say that you should not be angry because planet is overcrowded anyway. Insted of percepting what I have done as something terrible, you should accept it and do something to solve the problems caused by international finance/capitalism instead. Also I say that I have done that because of higher cause, and that few dead that are your family are nothing compared to people suffering all over the planet. After that you agree with me and we keep living happily everafter. Somehow I doubt that you would do this. So don't preach things you are not able to live. And please fact that people are dying anyway does not makes some monster that caused millions of people to die "not so important"

The victory of international finance/capitalism will be the funeral wreath of mankind and life on Earth. That's the score.
Now you sound like communist. If you have better solutions just say, I would be interested to hear about better kind of society. It must be something with transcedental meditation involved, right? :p
Dushan S : Okay I agree with you about the logic regarding a family killed by a murderer. That is a logical observation. It is the kind attack that happens regularly in places like Sudan, Darfur, Somalia, etc. But it is just not the case that Hitler deliberately killed people as an abuse of power. People died in the war, people starved, people were used in labour camps and died as a result. In war time there are always lot of tales told about the brutal acts of the opposite side - over time this is usually found out to be lies and exaggerations told for the same reasons as the tales of WMDs in Iraq or Iraqi soldiers hurling Kuwaiti babies out of hospital windows. Let's not bother to argue about that, as it is pointless. And anyway it is not as if the opposing side was a paragon of virtue.

What I wonder is. What was a German man supposed to do in post WWI Germany with his nation so shattered and starvation and poverty rife. What should a man do who really cared about this and wanted to restore Germany to its former glory and help his people? All the evidence is that Hitler had all these concerns and he struggled for many years against deadly adversity to try and rescue Germany (in the way that he thought best - rightly or wrongly). He was forced to be a leader simply through being the best man for the job and there being no alternative in this way of seeing things. It's all too easy to just say here was a man who just decided to tell a load of big lies just so he could get to be the big dictator and feel so powerful. Millions of men want to do that. It is just shallow stupid greedy motivation - and it doesn't square with Hitler's personality or actions at all. You may as well say that Jesus was a man who just wanted to tell a load of lies so that people would call him son of God, or that Gandhi did everything just so he could have sex with some underaged girls (something which he did, but not the reason for his resistance) or that all parents are motivated by wanting someone small to order around. Or what about that Mandela led the ANC just so he could get to be president of South Africa and thumb his nose at the Boers? That may have been a goal, and something Mandela enjoyed, but it was his struggle for his people that primarily motivated him - accepting that he could end up sacrificing himself before he would ever get into power. Same with Hitler.
It's my opinion that the media has worked so hard to polarize the political parties in this country that neither side truly represents "we the people". I also do not feel that the media gives us a true protrayal of anything. I feel it is the media's effort to keep Americans attention focused on the news (I say the word "news" sarcastically of course) so that they are plugged in to the commercials. I don't feel they show anything that does not fit their own agenda.
MetalNub said:
I'm not sure Bush has the brainpower to tie his shoes. He can't be the one running the country.
Most of Americans are not aware what presidnets functions really is. He is just a figure, and his power is not in his position but what interest financial groups are represented thru him. The last one that was actually trying to do his job properly was probably JFK.
Norsemaiden said:
Dushan S : Okay I agree with you about the logic regarding a family killed by a murderer. That is a logical observation. It is the kind attack that happens regularly in places like Sudan, Darfur, Somalia, etc. But it is just not the case that Hitler deliberately killed people as an abuse of power. People died in the war, people starved, people were used in labour camps and died as a result.
Norsemaiden, I will bi direct and say that I am not sure what to think when you write something like this. In one moment you sound like you have spent some time getting to know your stuff, and then you write something like this.
First there were different kind of camps, that were ranging from "labour" camps to death camps or prisoner camps. Prisoner camps made for allied prisoners were vacation facilities compared to prisoner camps for Soviet soldiers. So what made most of "Camps" similar that only shure exit out was to die.
People were not "used" because work in Camps was not essential in any way. It was just temporary before prisoners were killed. Point was extermination, and belive it or not, you can't kill and burry millions of people fast enough, so camps were facilities made to keep "wrong" people out of society, wrong because of their political views, because of their sexuality, because of their nationality or race. So when German military SS unit was destroying all villages in its way in russia killing anything that moves, this is not because they must to do that on military bases, it is because goal WAS extermination.

In war time there are always lot of tales told about the brutal acts of the opposite side - over time this is usually found out to be lies and exaggerations told for the same reasons as the tales of WMDs in Iraq or Iraqi soldiers hurling Kuwaiti babies out of hospital windows. Let's not bother to argue about that, as it is pointless. And anyway it is not as if the opposing side was a paragon of virtue.
You know, there is one problem with people living in a western society. You are safe, you have enough to eat, you are too comfortable. So from your nice chair you are online and you have that freedom to express your views without anyone aresting punishing or killing you.
I have very small family, especially from mothers side. This is because most of my family ended in death camps during WWII. It is because as a Slav, I was considered underling, right? Also, my stepfathers father was in prisoner camp in germany during WWII. He was one of the rare people that got back so he was able to talk about it. Prisoner camps were nice place, nicer than death camps. You have had some chance to survive, because standard procedure was not to kill you at the end, so if you manage to live somehow with one small piece of bread on daily basis, while for instance, your weight is 55 kg you are carrying sacks that are heavy as you are. If you fall, ss officer shoots you in the place. So this is Prisoner camp, holiday camp compared to concentration camps.
So I understand that someone can sit in their comfortable room and read some stupid books and make up his own theories about holocaust being just a global conspiration agains poor Germans that have lost war, but, you know, there were some people that were there, got first hand experience and told us about it. I am not angry about history, have nothing against Germans, etc etc, just stating some facts.
So based on my family history, I can say that you are very wrong about your concepts and theories about mr. Adolf. I gave you "killing your family" story from the same reason. When something is far from you, when you are not endangered, when everything is just a intellectual concept inside your mind, it is easy to write some shithead's book about holocaust being made up and got strange ideas based on this.

What I wonder is. What was a German man supposed to do in post WWI Germany with his nation so shattered and starvation and poverty rife. What should a man do who really cared about this and wanted to restore Germany to its former glory and help his people? All the evidence is that Hitler had all these concerns and he struggled for many years against deadly adversity to try and rescue Germany (in the way that he thought best - rightly or wrongly).
Germany was not in immidiate chaos. Problem is that Country was humiliated after the WWI was over, and that it inded in financial problems because of debts that should have been paid as compensation for damage in war (Can't remember right english words for this, but you know what I mean). Germany have had very strong and democratic political life, it is just that terrible financial situation has made a way for a dictator to take position of power.
At that time, world has had a little understanding of global relationships, so unlike today other countries and their politics could not understand that you need strong country that is your partner as a neighbour...A that time idea was to keep germany poor and in bad condition so it never treatens again to financial and political interests of victorius allies. That is what made way to chaos in germany, and to rise of Nazis.
It is fact that Hitler wanted strong Germany, but his Germany was idea in his head, concept, dream, he was not interested about real Germany. If you love your people, would you cause to them what he has caused to Germans during WWII? His dream and his vision of world empire and him on the throne was more important to him than real country and lives of real people. He had no problem sending german children to die as soldiers when he run out of "human resources". He was monster, and I think that every normal and intelligent german has every reason to think that he is monster and that was darkest page in German History. Every other German was killed in war, and country was devastated. That was a result of his "Work" for his own people.

It is just shallow stupid greedy motivation - and it doesn't square with Hitler's personality or actions at all. You may as well say that Jesus was a man who just wanted to tell a load of lies so that people would call him son of God, or that Gandhi did everything just so he could have sex with some underaged girls (something which he did, but not the reason for his resistance) or that all parents are motivated by wanting someone small to order around. Or what about that Mandela led the ANC just so he could get to be president of South Africa and thumb his nose at the Boers?
Norsemaiden you are seriously comparing Gandhi, Jesus and Hitler??? Mendela has preaching freedom and liberation, Gandhi and Jesus just the same. There was no hatred and idea of world domination in their words, or maybe I have missed some kind of Mendela death camps?