Is it January in Norway yet?

^That makes sense. I expect to hear a new Borknagar song anyday now if it comes out in January. Though a US Release date may be delayed a couple months. The new Satyricon album "The Age of Nero", which came out in November 2008, has yet to come out here and has a January American release date.
^That makes sense. I expect to hear a new Borknagar song anyday now if it comes out in January. Though a US Release date may be delayed a couple months. The new Satyricon album "The Age of Nero", which came out in November 2008, has yet to come out here and has a January American release date.

If you think you've to wait, imagine what I have to wait and that'll cheer you up :rolleyes: .
Children, behave, or I'm turning this thread around!

Like hell you are, this is my thread, I turn it around, not you.

I hope this Borknagar album is a good one. If not, they'll likely lose my favorite band spot to a rapper which would thus make rap my favorite genre. He released two albums this year that destroy anything Bork has done since Quintessence days. All the while putting out heavier music than distorted guitars. Certainly more emotional and connective. But I have hope in the Borkendales for this one. As long as they keep in mind emotion is all that matters, not catering to black metal fans, with mindless black metal.

Mr.V can do it. Simen can not do it. I have faith in Mr.V. Simen's lazy ass hasn't done anything worthwhile in years, he doesn't deserve the Dimmu Borgir money he gets. Simen should go work like the rest of us. Thank you for picking up where he left off and keeping this band alive despite work, college, family, everything you deal with.