Is it ok to Cry to Evergrey songs?


Mar 25, 2003
Tampa, Fl
I thought I'd ask. I Find myself crying to a few songs by Evergrey.

The song that is the most tearful to me is "End of Your Days". I find myself crying to the second verse when after his hand lets go, he says Farwell. Deep music. By the way, a friend of mine found those lyrics even more important since he lost his father and was there as he died.
Kinda weird question to ask,as if you needed our acceptance to cry to them,but just so I'll contribute something useful...
I've cried to For Every Tear That Falls and some of Recreation Day generally.
wow.. i must tougher than all of you!!! hahahaha!!!! i dont cry!!!!! i just bottle up all of my emotions inside me and then explode at an unsuspecting moment and lash out on an unsuspecting innocent person!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!
I usually do not cry listening to music. I associate Evergrey with positive emotions, since they are my favorite band. Of course, I have cried listening to music. It was the Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring soundtrack. Very beautiful and very powerful.

Also, I do not think one has to ask "permission" to what they can do listening to music. I mean, everyone has a different "relationship" to the music they listen to. I could feel one way listening to this song, whereas someone else could feel 100% different about it. Everyone is different and I think we all have permission to feel whatever we wish to feel listening to music.
I CRY every time I try to recreate Tom's damn opening to Great Deceiver... I go to the hospital with a tennis elbow, cramped fingers, off-beat notes and a bruised EGO! :yell: :cry:

So here is to you Tom, destroyer of freats and spare time! :kickass:
Oakenson said:
I usually do not cry listening to music. I associate Evergrey with positive emotions, since they are my favorite band. Of course, I have cried listening to music. It was the Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring soundtrack. Very beautiful and very powerful.

Also, I do not think one has to ask "permission" to what they can do listening to music. I mean, everyone has a different "relationship" to the music they listen to. I could feel one way listening to this song, whereas someone else could feel 100% different about it. Everyone is different and I think we all have permission to feel whatever we wish to feel listening to music.

I don't see how you can listen to Madness Caught Another Victim,Words Mean Nothing,For Every Tear That Falls etc. and associate them with positive emotions,but it's great if you can do that.
I tend to do that with Pain Of Salvation most of the time,cause if I don't some of the songs are just too depressing.
I could probably be a town crier,literally. :)
Well, the music makes me feel very good. I do not get sad listening to Evergrey, I feel great since the music is so wonderful. Of the lyric topics are on the dark side (keep up the darkside ... hehe :p ) but I still get wonderful feelings from both the music and the lyrics. As always, I can of course relate to many Evergrey lyrics (as most people probably can) but I do not let them get me down either.

I guess the music basic I can put it is: Evergrey's music is great and makes me feel great in return! :)
It is ok and even a normal thing to cry when listening to music, because music is about emotion.
I don't believe I've ever cried to Evergrey... but their music does stir strong emotions... as Oakenson said... they certain create a lot of positivity because they music is just so freakin' awesome! But the music can also create dark and melancholy feelings. I have been strongly affected by "Words Mean Nothing" and "Your Darkest Hour"
I have never gone as far to cry while listening to Evergrey, but their music tends to bring me into deep throught and make me realize many realities about life and the world.
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These people will kill themselves if they hear bands like My dying bride,Candlemass,Solstice,Cemetary...

Evergrey are very emotional band,that's true.
Barbarian lord said:
These people will kill themselves if they hear bands like My dying bride,Candlemass,Solstice,Cemetary...

Evergrey are very emotional band,that's true.

yeah lol or perhaps even katatonia and virgin black. But i do find evergrey very moving , it gives alot to think about in the world and at times makes you feel unbelievably hopeless to know the truth. But yeah ive been a bit teary about it.
as i wrote before evergrey has a lot of " tear shading emotional songs "

i tend to have those crying emotions especialy when tom sings with a keybored sololy.....

songs like :
state of paralysis,for every tear that falls,faith restored,words mean nothing,trilogy of the damned,The Essence Of Conviction
(that amazing middle intro "...he sees nothing he's blind...") & closure.

but the most heartbreaking one for me is definatly diferent worlds which simply speaks about my own feelings.....awsome stuff.
Demonspell said:
I've cried to For Every Tear That Falls once, when watching the video...

U are not alone, I first heard the fantastic song on the live CD and when I recived the DVD and Carina started to sing it all broked...I wept lika a baby. The emotions in this song is so strong and the duet is SO much better live then on the Dark Discovery CD. I couldn´t help myself :)

Same thing happend to my friend even though I warned her for it :p
Ikoz - good to hear a mention of "Different Worlds" - that was the song that got me into Evergrey as it was the first song I heard - when the voiceover says "please don't touch me, I don't wana be here, I just wanna go home", I often shed a tear because it's just so damn emotional! "Words mean nothing" is another that gets to me every time!
Oh man, I was in shock after I first heard Different Worlds. That entire album is a emotional gauntlet, anyway. But after that small-but-powerful voice over section, that solo hits and they make that guitar freaking cry! Ooowaaaahhhhhhhhooowwww...I can't get over stuff like that! It just makes me wanna break down, you know?