Here is a disturbing fact
and yes its a FACT not my own speculations
Its been more than 10 times now, that Fox News report their main story on the news based on whatever show on prime time was prior to that.
Sounds crazy?
Have you noticed that every time after 24 (R.I.P) the 10 Oclock news would only report stories that has something to do with terrorists?
I know it sounds crazy, but since I recorded most 24 episodes, I got the news after that as well, so its on tape..
24 ended, and the fox news would report: terrorist watch near the white house in DC today or "anthrax suspected to apear in the Pentagon"
Just now, I finished watching HOUSE, and the news edition JUST NOW was telling about a girl in Maryland with a mysterious disease that they cant solve coincidence? AGAIN ????
I can give you many examples like that with different shows..
Is it really only a DC thing?
Its really disturbing me. But whats even more disturbing is me watching Fox News.
Its been more than 10 times now, that Fox News report their main story on the news based on whatever show on prime time was prior to that.
Sounds crazy?
Have you noticed that every time after 24 (R.I.P) the 10 Oclock news would only report stories that has something to do with terrorists?
I know it sounds crazy, but since I recorded most 24 episodes, I got the news after that as well, so its on tape..
24 ended, and the fox news would report: terrorist watch near the white house in DC today or "anthrax suspected to apear in the Pentagon"
Just now, I finished watching HOUSE, and the news edition JUST NOW was telling about a girl in Maryland with a mysterious disease that they cant solve coincidence? AGAIN ????
I can give you many examples like that with different shows..
Is it really only a DC thing?
Its really disturbing me. But whats even more disturbing is me watching Fox News.