Is it the right time for Katatonia to hit the mainstream?


Jul 15, 2005
TGCD has proven that the increased popularity hasn't caused the band to compromise their sound or vibe (relative to bands like Cradle Of Filth who's entire sound and image has changed since hitting the mainstream.)

But, with the whole Emo thing in full swing now, there's the strong possibility that Katatonia would be marketed towards the Emo crowd in the US where any music that has a depressing sound to it is snared by promoters and labeled Emo. I would die if Katatonia were compared to My Chemical Romance.

Any thoughts?
they are a bit mainstram compared to like swallow the sun, ulver, agalloch...i mean they are sorta big in some countries...
and even if they go mainstream in America, i dont think they would be Emo. Probably nu metal, or alt rock.
I would be happy for them tho, they would probably get a shit load of money, and they would get to tour America :D
i would, however, resent the fact that i would have to share them with ppl who just listen to music because of the trendyness of it
katatonia is and always will be katatonia.....they dont play to anyone but if they get big I have confidence that they will stay true to their fuck the people listening to them.......emo/nu-metal....I dont care what they are labeled or marketed to.....they will forever remain KATATONIA
Deliverance6 said:
katatonia is and always will be katatonia.....they dont play to anyone but if they get big I have confidence that they will stay true to their fuck the people listening to them.......emo/nu-metal....I dont care what they are labeled or marketed to.....they will forever remain KATATONIA
that makes me feel warm from the inside:oops:
Deliverance6 said:
katatonia is and always will be katatonia.....they dont play to anyone but if they get big I have confidence that they will stay true to their fuck the people listening to them.......emo/nu-metal....I dont care what they are labeled or marketed to.....they will forever remain KATATONIA
agreed.But I will be pissed if anyone would compare my chemical romance with katatonia:mad:
Bands like katatonia would never change their sound in the name of mainstream. There are bands that signed with big labels but nothing changed them. Porcupine Tree signed with Lava records, about 3 years ago, when ''In Absentia'' was out. Opeth signed with Roadrunner Records, and we all know how ''good'' this label is in taking a crappy band and making it world famous in a few seconds, while it doesn't worth. Their sound (I think) hasn't changed either. So, we don't have to worry about Katatonia, they will remain the same.

P.S In my country even my chemical romance isn't mainstream, so imagine the popularity that Katatonia has, it's like a local's bands popularity.
When can we exactly determine if a band is "mainstream"? Is there a specific number for record sales that makes a band mainstream?(for example is Opeth considered mainstream now?)

In terms of musical approach and production values Katatonia has been pretty accessible on LFGD and VE and even to some extent on DO and TD. But if u look at the new album, u can see that they're actually starting to move in a new direction (more progressive elements in their sound?) which is actually a less mainstream sound than their last two efforts. The truth is they're in a musical journy. Of course everyone likes to get recognition for their effort, but these guys have never compromised anything in their music for economical "success". and that's why I have a whole lot of respect for them...

Had to do it....don't kill me. ;)
I think that there's not a right time to go mainstream for katatonia, but just a chance to break in the US market soon. And, IMO, TGCD IS a change of direction,,,,not a strong change but one that cannot pass unseen....
It's just a matter of time before Katatonia begins a global tour with Korn...I can see it now. (sarcasm)
I will post this here too....because of its relevance...

JR: I don't think we've ever been interested in doing something just for the sake of recognition. We've had this band for fifteen years now, which is half of my life. We've never had that "big break", and we're just now starting to work our way through. We've gotten more known, and attracted more fans with every release, though, which is something I'm proud of. The respect feels good, and of course I want the band to grow as large as it can, but not at any price.


JR: We haven't really been limiting ourselves to a certain style. We chose to be heavier with this album than the last, but we're definitely not tied into a specific sound. It gives us the creativity to be whatever we want, because whatever we do, it will be Katatonia.
I have a different approach to the subject.
I don't think Katatonia will ever go mainstream but rather mainstream will go Katatonia at some point and as simple as that. It's all about how the promoters work with the audience. Mainstream changes every minute.
the same thing as already been said about opeth.They didn't compromise their sound to get in the mainstream.It's good promotion from the guys at Roadrunner(meep meep) that made mainstream go alittle in opeth's way.
another example (and don't kill me for that) is rap and hip hop. When I listen to the late 70's stuff it has quality(within the genre off course) and was the rebelious alternative to 70's disco(let's set prog rock and heavy metal aside for a moment) and 80's synthpop,and as they were rebels they didn't see a lot of money from it. once gangsta rap evolved and hip hop became "cool" all quality was sucked out of the genre...and now with the recording technology is as simple as having an illegal music program downloaded from the net for free you get 10 year old with a half inch dick rapping about money and disrespect to women. The problem with mainstream music is after a while it all fucked up in its ass and people get sick of it so it moves on to other genres.
I can totally see death metal as a mainstream genre say 10 years from now and tons of teeny boppers are going to growl just to be shown on mtv.
what am I trying to say in all this?
A good artist is always going in his own direction and will have respect from the fans before and after mainstream hit his music.
After the 70's disco died Jamiroquai brought some disco with funk in the 90's
after the 80's synthpop died we have Depeche Mode emerging in the 2000's.
etc etc.
paradoxile said:
I have a different approach to the subject.
I don't think Katatonia will ever go mainstream but rather mainstream will go Katatonia at some point and as simple as that. It's all about how the promoters work with the audience. Mainstream changes every minute.
the same thing as already been said about opeth.They didn't compromise their sound to get in the mainstream.It's good promotion from the guys at Roadrunner(meep meep) that made mainstream go alittle in opeth's way.
another example (and don't kill me for that) is rap and hip hop. When I listen to the late 70's stuff it has quality(within the genre off course) and was the rebelious alternative to 70's disco(let's set prog rock and heavy metal aside for a moment) and 80's synthpop,and as they were rebels they didn't see a lot of money from it. once gangsta rap evolved and hip hop became "cool" all quality was sucked out of the genre...and now with the recording technology is as simple as having an illegal music program downloaded from the net for free you get 10 year old with a half inch dick rapping about money and disrespect to women. The problem with mainstream music is after a while it all fucked up in its ass and people get sick of it so it moves on to other genres.
I can totally see death metal as a mainstream genre say 10 years from now and tons of teeny boppers are going to growl just to be shown on mtv.
what am I trying to say in all this?
A good artist is always going in his own direction and will have respect from the fans before and after mainstream hit his music.
After the 70's disco died Jamiroquai brought some disco with funk in the 90's
after the 80's synthpop died we have Depeche Mode emerging in the 2000's.
etc etc.

Way to kill a thread dude...:Smug: