Is my Metallica shirt legit?

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Jan 11, 2010
Brisbane, AUS
Hey guys,

Been wondering about this cool Metallica shirt I got from some hidden-away music-apparel shop in the city (Brisbane, AU). I've had it since October when I saw Metallica, some guy recommended the store to me saying they had an amazing range of shirts... and apparently he's right - I can't find this shirt on the net anywhere. So this is kind of my last stop - has anyone else got a Metallica shirt like this or any way of proving it's in any way official?

We have a metal shirt specialist on this forum. He owns a collection of 1000+ shirts and he never wears the same shirt twice. He doesn't listen to music, he listens to shirts. His nickname is Krow.
The elusive "Krow" will be around to test the median absolute legitimacy (MAL) of the shirt in question in a couple of hours, time zone and weather permitting.
Off hand, I'd probably say it's not "official." I've actually seen quite a few bootlegged shirts coming from australia...they're fairly marketable, it's not hard to print the logo and a couple words on any shirt with a cool design and sell it.

That being said, who really knows... there's hundreds of different metallica shirts around. If you like the shirt, that should probably be all that matters. Metallica has plenty of money, if one of them see you in it, it's not like they're going to have you arrested. Actually, maybe they would. :lol:
@Krow - Thanks mate. Yeah I really do like it and it's not like I'm going to stop wearing it, but I couldn't help but wonder whether it was something the band released or not. Fairly sure I saw some Megadeth shirts that looked bootlegged too in that shop (they have an album name on it with a different version of the album artwork). I still want to get a Metal Up Your Ass shirt though haha (among a lot of others). And I'm almost certain that my Guns N' Roses shirt is bootleg too... but it's the coolest one I could find on the net so yeah :p Might post pic later.

Cheers guys, really appreciate this :)
You are on an online metal forum and talking about Metallica? Your doing it wrong man....
We aren't 11 years old anymore, we don't care about Metallica.
The shirt is ok man official or not "Master of Puppets" is their apogee although personally I like more "Ride of Lightning", but since than they sold his soul to the nail polish..:erk:

Yeah Ride The Lightning is my favourite album but the only RTL shirt I could find in the city on the night of the concert was $45 (which is a rip-off really - I got my bootleg puppets shirt for $25).
......correction....12 year old detected. He/she probably just turned 12. Hence not being 11 anymore
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