Is there a chance for this world?

Is there a chance for this world to survive

  • Yes, it is not as bad as it seems

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • No, the human race is too blind and too selfish to see their mistakes

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Maybe, but there has to be a change in the people's mind (maybe caused by a gigantic Catastrophy or

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • Maybe yes, maybe no, but it's up to others than me to change this world

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I on the other hand voted for the human race being too stupid, which we are.

Cases and points...

a) We HAVE a cure for cancer. But the money hungry government keeps it a secret because people would kill for a cure to cancer. It's somewhere located in Mexico. Don't ask me the name of it, because I have forgotten. I'll email my good friend and get the name of it. With that information (the name), you can search it on just about any search engine and find information about it.

b) People actually wasting time with religion. With so many beliefs out there, who knows which one is the supposed "real" religion that humans are supposed to follow. I don't believe in any religion. People ask me about the bible; I just tell them that it's a book. They ask me about Jesus being born without a father... so Mary got hammered one night and was raped without her knowing about it... or forgetting... it's happened before. All those hundreds of years before this supposed God was discovered... how was life created? We'll never know.

c) The "Peace on Earth" theory. There will NEVER be world-wide peace. With racism, sexism and the like, the world will never agree on one thing... this goes for everything too. Music, food, taste in women/men.

d) The American government revolving around money and corruption... and we can't forget the media. Oh how we are a media driven country. See... to the media, it's more important to know about (at the time) President Clinton's affair (as to say he DID have one). Do we really give a fuck? People have affairs all over the country (or world for that matter), but do we care about them? No... just because he is (was) a person of power, he NEEDS the attention.

And the one that pisses me off most...

e) Our fucking government (US') bitches and complains about the homeless, the foodless, the clotheless and the like. Meanwhile, we are paying athletes upwards of 50 million dollars a year (There are higher numbers... figures). Does one person really fucking need 50 million goddamn dollars a year? Let's say he plays an average of 10 years pro. That's 500 million for that career... if his pay doesn't go up... but it will, because we are America, and paying athletes this kind of money is more important than saving people's lives and/or keeping illegal aliens out of this country. It just sickens me to know that these ignorant selfish bastards need 50 million a year. Fuck it.

Yeah... that's it for now.
i mostly agree to you but i still think mankind can learn in principle....maybe it will never happen but some already learned and all could learn. but most ppl even don't try (look at the ideas of the Enlightenment).
for my own sake I do not give up hope that one day the general motivator of society will not be greed, but wisdom.

evolution is an ongoing process, either we adapt to the self inflicted changes in our enviroment or be weeded out as unfit, it's as simple as that.
We had something very interesting happening here in Essen/Germany; The major of our city decided to 'clean' our main rail station. The plan was to make it more secure for harmless people to walk around their. I thought "hey, that's good, more police around and everybody feels safe", BUT: the police put all the homeless people in busses, brought them out of our city and let them out of the busses somewhere else where the society would never see them again...I think I have nothing to add since this story shows that the society has nothing to do with humanity. It shows, that this world is not just dying because of the air/water/earth pollution, but also because of the loss of humanity.

sorry for any grammatical mistakes, but I'm just a stupid kid wondering why this all has to be.
I think that most of the world will be fine, but if the Empire of America pulls through this in one piece, it's going to have a LOT of problems later on. Yeah, I AM from the Fourth Reich, but I plan on bailing to Scandanavia later on.
mankind is just to stupid to make a good ending in all this mess!!! though i have the small hope that some men´ll survive the coming decades and evolve further i fear that we cant manage ...
big catastrophy ... muahaha ... especially in that case every single one will act on behalf of his own (and in part of his family) simply to survive!!! - how should that alter mankind towards humanity???? fucking nope!

and, yep, I feel pessimistic today
all this talk about saving the world from ourselves ; I think the question should be how are we going to save ourselves, our humanity, our spirit, from the world?
lets just concentrate inwardly-and personally how we are going to improve ourselves as human beings, then, the rest of reality will fall into place.
neutralistic Trapped?? does that mean you choose to 'withold choice'??

If so, I agree with that philosophy.. witholding choice is a positive means of embracing things with more open eyes
There is no hope for this world as long as humans are on it. We are a mistake. I'd like to quote The Matrix on how the rest of the living things probably view us: "Human beings are a disease. A plague."
I think you are all too paranoid :)

About the athlete thing, I agree they make too much (although most of the regular, non-superstar players make $1 million or less/year, not $50 million (the largest contract ever was like $30 million a year, and it was only for 2 years I think)), but it isn't the government that pays their salary, it is the fans. Every person who shells out $100+ for a ticket to the game, who watches it on TV, or listens to it on the radio pays their salary. The same idea applies to musicians. These hugely popular crap bands pull in millions of dollars every year as well. It is man's constant desire to escape his own reality that pays these huge salaries, not the government.

As for the cure for cancer. We have ways to get rid of some cancers, but there are dozens of types of cancer and each one has to be treated differently. I don't really buy that we have a cure for all types of cancer and the government is just hiding it. If we did, other countries would be stealing it and using it, which they aren't.

And the reason we cared about Clinton's scandal was the fact that he perjured himself to a grand jury. If he is willing to lie to a grand jury about that charge, what's to stop him from lying about other things as well. Yes, there are a lot of crooked politicians, but that doesn't mean we should just put up with them. All governments are corrupt in varying degrees, so limiting such a classification to the US government is ludicrous.

I think we, as a country, are funny sometimes. Our poor people would be considered upper-middle class in South America or Mexico. Most have phones, apartments, get free food, and live off the government in a much more comfortable lifestyle than the truly poor. We definitely bitch too much about our "poverty-stricken" people. If someone is disabled, then I think we should help them out. But if they're just too lazy to get a job, then to hell with them, let 'em die. (okay, that is a little extreme, but I don't think we should pay their way because they are lazy).

There's my $.02
Pray that I will live forever
the sorrowed man will not be me
today I'll change my life forever
for what I've seen must surely be...

I'll play the optimist again and vote for the first option.
I woon't vote for now. i won't say that this is it and over. i have not made up my mind yet.

Too many arguments:
on the one hand we realise every day's self destructive human acts. too numerous to mention:
lack of thought, lack of humanity, lack of god, plentiful of religions/countries/holy wars - jihads, handful of rain - acid of course,

on the other hand we have NoLordy, who will surely save the world with his chosen ones for sure, who i think are all who post in the nevermore forum of UM,
we have so many shows to attend to, so many dreams to fulfill (drink ouzo with Serge and many others). We have the new nevermore album out in a few months' time.

i myself will not go down hiding. (this is because i 've been hearing to awfully lots of epic metal lately).
ladies and gentlemen there is a hope on this hand.

the only thing that remains to be seen is which hand is stronger. i 'll play the pessimist to wake the optimist in me!
neutralistic Trapped?? does that mean you choose to 'withold choice'??

Nuetralistic Cynic...

I am neither positive nor negative. I look at each situation in a different light, yet i a cynic, a skeptic, an 'unbeleiver', so i have an open veiw, and open mind...