Is there a Sorskogen - Mordet i Grottan tab floating around??

*found this thread through google*

old, old thread...someone interested? i just finished both solos, because i couldn't find any tab... i will do the rest of the song the next time & correct it

but before, i'll take a bath, i smell like shit =)
ok guys, as i promised (and just to be first!), the two solos!
the rest of the song is a bit...hard to get because the instruments play all over, i will finish it later.
its almost 'perfect', very accurate i think, i will correct the rhythm-sections and just such things like whether it is a pull-off or not.

gimme feedback !!! and it would be great if no one spreads the file over the net on crappy tab-sites, try it and my moms (shes the devil in disguise, believe me) coming over to you, so it would be the last time to see a tab =D ; i wanna publish the tab later just when i finish the whole song in a powertab file for rhythm, i think it is more useful, and the guitar-n00bs with us will be also able to play it right, and not just like the youtube-skillers

corrections are welcome!!! PM me!!!! or write an email:

and if anybody is going to tell me "i got it just a few days before, you stole it from me" i'm going to slap him with my little tweener-wheener :rolleyes:
it :hypno::zombie::Puke:

credits: by me !!!

I HOPE YOU LIKE IT !!! :kickass:
HEY! I had that one a few days before you! You must stolen it for I!

Ok, lame..

But.. Shame you didn't do it in GuitarPro or Powertab yet :)
Any how good post!:kickass: