Is there a video to "Deathrider"?


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I'm a long time Anthrax fan and my son is named after Scott Ian (or at least one of the Iann's he's named after). My Question: Revolver magazine had the "Deathrider" video as one of the top 10 on MTV2 Headbangers Ball top 10 videos. Does this video exist? I assume it is the new version from ....2 Evils.
Any info is appreciated.
The latest issue of the UK magazine CLASSIC ROCK comes with free DVD that has the "Deathrider" video on it. I was afraid to buy it though cuz it's probably region 2 or PAL and I can't watch it on my 1912 DVD player.
Sadly, it's the last video we'll see John Bush in.
I wish I would have known that the TGOTE tour w/ Dio, would have been his last American tour with the band, I would have went to every show on the itinerary.
I caught 20 some shows during the John Bush administration though, so I have plenty of wonderful memories.