Is there anybody out there?

Well until you posted this, I was the last one to post here. wanna play some Mario Kart?
That makes two of us..I spent last week fighting it off, and this week being sick as a dog; who knew so much snot could fit in one noggin. :/
I've "dropped by" many times in the last month, just figured this was a winter lull in the forum. Hopefully people enjoying lots of other indoor activities besides surfing the net (not me of course). I've survived the "pink slip" in my mail box, so there's something to be thankful for with things being the way they are. My school district handed out 366 of those bad boys last week, good thing I teach the kids no one else wants to teach or my number could have been up. Hope all is well with my fellow forumites. Cheers :kickass:
I've survived the "pink slip" in my mail box, so there's something to be thankful for with things being the way they are. My school district handed out 366 of those bad boys last week, good thing I teach the kids no one else wants to teach or my number could have been up.

Whewwwwww!! Scary times, eh?

My industry (heavy equipment operating) has taken quite a hit lately. I'm taking advantage of a slow time and recording my ass off!

I've been mind-alteringly busy with preparing for a solo-gig I have coming up on the 28th. It's a great paying job, but I've had to spend more hours than I'd like to count, recording backing tracks etc. I spent 16 days just doing the recording. Keeping in mind that I'd rather record than fuck, It's really been great. I'm hoping to parle' this into some more gigs, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

This should turn itself into a pretty cool solo CD for me. With all my fans, that should bring me a cool $13.23 total!!! After expenses...Fuck, I'm so far in the red, I might as well stay in a prog band. :lol:

See y'all around.

anybody there
Does anybody wonder, anybody care

Oh, I just gotta know
If youre really there and you really care
Cause baby Im not

F-f-f-foolin, ah f-f-foolin
F-f-f-foolin, ah f-f-foolin

Sorry, I thought we are starting a Def Leppard lyric thread:p

I've checked in once in a while and it HAS been slow, so I just have not had anything to post. This has been an up and down year for me and I still have two more months of personal stuff that I need to take care of. Steve and I have had exciting talks about our music, the future and where we want to go. I don't think slow times will ever stop us from doing the music thing. But personal stuff always ends up with the band being the first thing to be removed from immediate attention. For me, I have had three surgeries, I have spent a ton of time with my 14 year old daughter and her vertigo problems (which now has her being home-studied), and I have had to re-invent the business to fit around my life.

This place will rock again. The music will be heard again. The live shows will be there. Time is in control right now.
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

I'll buy your CD Mr. Sorrell, I'm a huge fan of the artist and the dude! So you just doubled your revenue!:lol:
Welcome, Cecilia5.
You last visited: March 3rd, 2009 at 11:23 AM

Oh gawd, sorry guys.

I've been around, just don't have much to say these days.

I forgot to mention that I got a job working as a cashier at Citi Field (home of the Mets)!
I'm here, too. I don't sign in much as of late, but I always check the Forum first thing in the morning, but I also haven't had much to say lately. Layoffs at work have those of us that are still employed finding ourselves now with double and triple workloads to pick up the slack.
Being a Mod (at least I think I'm still a Mod), I should probably post daily, but life does have a funny way of getting in the way of things at times.

And SS, I would also like a copy of whatever it is you are recording if I may please? :rock:

I got my back Waxed , kinda felt like getting a tattoo I guess...................LOL..............had a hemoriod removed (popped actually) ............was totally engrossed with Rock of Love and Tool Academy...............and finally washed my underwear............busy winter for me........