Is there no turning back now...?

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
Can't it all be fixed?

The world is in such a chaos, people kill their family for a couple of dollars, we throw garbage everywhere, the oceans are filled with our crap, there is a huge and ever-growing hole above us..., and well, the list goes on and on.

I wonder how long it'll take before the planet cannot just take it anymore....

I mean, I recycle all the things I can, I try to inculcate recyclying on everyone I know, but in the end, it's all up to the people in the high chairs, and they don't do a single fucking thing.

I wonder how much humanity has left until something really, and I mean REALLY catatrophic happens to it. My guess is about 80 years or something....

Hopefully/sadly I'll be dead when that happens, but it still makes me sad to see what a -insert all bad adjecives you can think of here- world our children are going to have to deal with.
It'll probably get worse...but the main reason it get worse it because most people just don't care.

The vast majority of the populatino of the world is more concerned with the lastest fashions or reality TV shows that what happens outside of their own house.
I know people who barely know what big events have been in the news for the last month, i know people who simply can't comprehend that humans can mess up this planet.

I know global warming is not 100% fact etc, but there are so many stupid people out there, or those who don't care i wouldn't count on things getting better soon.
Lord SteveO said:
The vast majority of the populatino of the world is more concerned with the lastest fashions or reality TV shows that what happens outside of their own house.

But they can vote! Democracy will save us!

"Oh thay can you thee..."
Yes they can vote...which is either good or bad. It depends where you look really.
I have many friends who are intelligent and sensible and should go out and vote but don't, simply because they are too lazy or they think it doesn't matter. I wish they would vote, but the don't.

Then we have idiot who vote based on what colour shirt a guy wears, or because they think he/she is cute! What madness is this!
We live in a world where the sensible shun voting through arogance and apathy and the idiots think it makes them far better but don't know wha tthey voted for!

But then again so few people vote anyway it probably does make little differece anyway!

I don't think we ourselves need to kill of people to sort it out. But i think a big "kick up the arse" so to speak would help. Something that is so terrible that people wake up and stop acting like morons.
Maybe a huge natural disaster or climate change will help out. People will die as a result of it, but i would hope people would realise they need to change.
I'm sceptical about whether much will ever be done to improve the situation. I guess that's one reason so many believe in God, as s/he/it/whatever offers some form of hope.

Voting will never solve anything, it's as bent and hypocritical as communism, it's worse than a tyranny because it pretends to not be a dictatorship when in reality it is.

If something happens and a huge proportion of people are killed off, then there will simply be a smaller population of retards on the go. Although it will help things like global warming and so on, in the end it will get worse as people will strive to become just as technilogically advanced as we are now, if not more so. In the end, the world will be worse.

If something unnatural happens and a large amount of the population are killed off, than things will also be as bad, perhaps worse as you will simply end up with big-headed idiots full of their own importance and 'intelligence' bickering about who should lead and so on, trying to get their own way.
Neith said:
I'm sceptical about whether much will ever be done to improve the situation. I guess that's one reason so many believe in God, as s/he/it/whatever offers some form of hope.

Voting will never solve anything, it's as bent and hypocritical as communism, it's worse than a tyranny because it pretends to not be a dictatorship when in reality it is.

I'm skeptical about the motivations of the masses, but I see people turning back toward a model where we have a specialized ruling caste for the reasons you mention. There are no perfect systems of gov't; in fact, there is no perfection anywhere in life (except the second Slayer album). Thus we pick the one that makes the least damaging mistakes...

We need to lose a lot of useless/parasitic people and return to a sense of culture, values and reverence for life...
To the OP: Recycling has negative economic and environmental effects in most cases, contrary to popular belief. Glass and aluminum are really the only things that we should recycle. Recycling paper, which easily decomposes, and is easily regrown, is simply stupid.
But, God will save us.

I have no idea how many times I've had a conversation with a simple-minded person and realize that "God will save us all." Giving me shit like that is what is really going to kill humanity. This, 'God' of theirs will be there to save them from humanity's darkest moments, when in reality its just going to be the fact that they're doing nothing and waiting for the catastrophy to happen. Instead of waiting for your 'Savior' to do something, do something for yourself and humanity.

Recycling is just genius business marketing, with maybe its first intentions derived from care for the globe, however taken by the business world and turned into money, rather than help towards the environment.
The "God will save us" idea is what is hampering the possibility of anything being done about the environment. The biggest problem is human greed, the way most people want to have an endless amount of material goods, which are unsustainable and can only lead to disaster. But it is the belief that God has provided everything on the planet for the use of mankind, (and that we need do nothing to help to preserve the planet because God is in charge, and he intends to destroy it himself on Judgement day anyway) that politicians like George Bush use to justify rejecting the Kyoto agreement on climate change. People who live for the afterlife couldn't be expected to worry much about the climate of Earth.

"In 1995, more than 2,000 scientists from 100 countries reported to the United Nations that our burning of oil, coal and natural gas is changing the Earth's climate. Five years later, many of the same researchers are very troubled by two things: The climate is changing much more quickly than they projected even a few years ago; and the systems of the planet are far more sensitive to even a very small degree of warming than they had realized. Average U.S. temperatures, the report said, will rise by five to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (F) by the end of the 21st century."

"And resistance to the solution is staggering. We need to be generating as much energy from non-carbon sources by the year 2050 as we generate from coal, oil and natural gas today, according to a peer-reviewed article in the journal Nature. That means, say the authors, that we need to begin to move toward a global energy transition within this decade and we need to pursue it "with the urgency of the Manhattan Project," which developed the atomic bomb in less than three years."

This was said over 5 years ago and there is still very little sign of these urgent changes.

"The Greening Earth Society, a creation of the Western Fuels Coal Association, takes a slightly different tack. Citing the opinion of a few "greenhouse skeptics"--most of whom are on its payroll--Western Fuels trumpets the idea that more warming and more carbon dioxide (CO2) is good for us because it will promote plant growth and create a greener, healthier natural world.

They forget to mention that peer-reviewed science indicates the opposite. While enhanced CO2 creates an initial growth spurt in many trees and plants, their growth subsequently flattens and their food and nutrition value plummets. As enhanced carbon dioxide stresses plant metabolisms, they become more prone to disease, insect attacks and fires."
Norsemaiden said:
The "God will save us" idea is what is hampering the possibility of anything being done about the environment.

In Texas, the most common pathology I see is twofold:

(A) (God/Democracy/Common sense) will eventually save us.

(B) People are more interested in the tangible rewards of this society to risk them. "That would damage my stock plan! I own Exxon stock!" and "That would stop me from rising out of this ghetto!" The poor, black and Mexican are as opposed to environmental legislation as the rich, suited and stockholding.

I believe it would not take much to end this. As in human socialization, if one person bucks a trend, it's 500000000% more likely that others will.*

* Statistics provided have an estimated accuracy of +/- 100% and are to be used as example data only.
Hmmm interesting.....

Well I think it is ok to recycle paper, because at least here in my country, in which most of the population is poor (IMO), recilying becomes some people's only hope, since thei only job is that: to get things that are recyclable and then sell them in order to have something to it.

It is rather irritating because the people that do that just enter my neighborhood (or any) and start yelling: "Periodicos botellas, botellas papel' ("newspapers bottles, bottles paper").

Now imagine that in a horrible tone at 6 o'clock.

That was a "little" bit oof topic, but I just wanted to make clear to MasterOLightning that some people make a living out of that. Obviously tis better to just let the paper rot, but people won't do that, they'd obviously prefer more $$$.
infoterror said:
I'm skeptical about the motivations of the masses, but I see people turning back toward a model where we have a specialized ruling caste for the reasons you mention. There are no perfect systems of gov't; in fact, there is no perfection anywhere in life (except the second Slayer album). Thus we pick the one that makes the least damaging mistakes...

We need to lose a lot of useless/parasitic people and return to a sense of culture, values and reverence for life...

The political systems of the West aren't going anywhere unless purified by the cleansing fires of nuclear holocaust, which is quite unlikely for the time being. I would advise those concerned about these environmental issues to write their congressmen.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Can't it all be fixed?

The world is in such a chaos, people kill their family for a couple of dollars, we throw garbage everywhere, the oceans are filled with our crap, there is a huge and ever-growing hole above us..., and well, the list goes on and on.

I wonder how long it'll take before the planet cannot just take it anymore....

I mean, I recycle all the things I can, I try to inculcate recyclying on everyone I know, but in the end, it's all up to the people in the high chairs, and they don't do a single fucking thing.

I wonder how much humanity has left until something really, and I mean REALLY catatrophic happens to it. My guess is about 80 years or something....

Hopefully/sadly I'll be dead when that happens, but it still makes me sad to see what a -insert all bad adjecives you can think of here- world our children are going to have to deal with.

Yes, it is a shame for the children. Unfortunately, continuation of a pleasant human experience in terms of environmental preservation are just not priorities with many governments, because they are not truely priorities with many people. Governments pay lip-service to the environment as societal priority. If it really were of priority we would see government controlled laws changing. So long as the government is environmentally liberal thus it wil be.
A Dying Breed said:
The political systems of the West aren't going anywhere unless purified by the cleansing fires of nuclear holocaust, which is quite unlikely for the time being. I would advise those concerned about these environmental issues to write their congressmen.

Neith said:
^Spoken like a true Glaswegian....wait, like pretty much any other person in Western culture. Nevermind then....:)

Except, I'm not Glaswegian :)

Plus...whats wrong with realising my complete inability to do anything remotely helpful except bitch and moan and channelling that energy into sex and beer instead?

derek said:
Except, I'm not Glaswegian :)

Plus...whats wrong with realising my complete inability to do anything remotely helpful except bitch and moan and channelling that energy into sex and beer instead?


Oh good god, he's starting to sound like me on my more pessimistic days! Save yourself.
speed said:
Oh good god, he's starting to sound like me on my more pessimistic days! Save yourself.

:lol: Not quite there yet, buddy.

To me we are all essentially transient. So I am following the philosophy of "beasts" and induldging in some beer and breasts for a while :)