Is this a good deal? Esp Ec vs. Ibanez SZ prestige...

I wouldn't do it, a friend of mine owns the sz, it's not bad, but for me the EC is just the "better" one.
Really depends on what you like, the only reason for me would be, that I would like the SZ better.
In my opinion the SZ just sounds a bit "flat", the EC has more of a own voice.
Played both pretty often and like I said before, the only reason would be the feeling.
You're tuning very low, so the scale length could be another thing, but the difference isn't that huge.
Moneywise, the SZs aren't as popular as the ECs in my experience, so a nice EC could be sold
better used than the SZ used.

But have in mind that I am biased because your EC is almost my dream guitar ;)
I have an SZ320 which I ADORE. I don't really know how well a 4020 would stand against an actual ESP Eclipse, tho.

Thing to consider is that the only Japanese-made SZ Prestige guitars were the 1220's. I don't really know if being Made in Korea would be such a downside for the 4020, but it is one thing to to keep in mind anyway.
DONT DO IT! They sold for around $800 new, ESP Eclipse guitars are worth more right out of the gate (generally starting around $1k).

IF You're going to do it, you're looking at AT LEAST a straight trade or more likely with money coming to you. You shouldn't shell out any money in that deal.

Edit: I think I read that wrong... Ibanez guitar + $200 for you... might be worth it... at that point its really up to you and what you plan to do with it.
I've got an SZ520QM and a Prestige SZ2006. Love them to death. Play great, sit well on a strap, sound great. Never played a ESP Eclipse though so I can't compare.
I've got an SZ520QM and a Prestige SZ2006. Love them to death. Play great, sit well on a strap, sound great. Never played a ESP Eclipse though so I can't compare.
You mean the SZ2020, right? How is that? To my understanding, it's the set neck version of the 4020, right? Is it that much better than the 520?
I bought an ESP EC-II recently, and I came across some of your Youtube's video with your ENGL and your Eclipse. Don't trade that, lol. I don't think any Ibanez I tried matched my (and I'm sure, yours too) Eclipse. Even the Prestige ones.
I like Steve Vai's 7 strings, tho, but anyway...
You mean the SZ2020, right? How is that? To my understanding, it's the set neck version of the 4020, right? Is it that much better than the 520?

Nah it's the SZ20066. Limited edition one that they did with EMG's and stuff. Pretty sure it's based on the 2020 though.

They're both pretty awesome guitars. My 520 has Bareknuckle Nailbombs, so it works better for rock stuff and cleans, and plays better with my triple x (The triple x doesn't sound as good with actives as it does with passives imo)

For all out metal the 20066 is pretty tough to beat though. Tuning stability is rock solid too which is a bonus.