Is this a good production or what ? (Notre Dame)

Norsk Metall

New Metal Member
Jan 13, 2008
Norway, up north.

Just wanted to say, I really think this band have a truly heavy and solid prodtuction !! what's your opinions ?

Havent found out who the producer is ...
Funny goth horror metal, thou not my favourite style. But good musicians, and who will try guessing on the amp ? 5150 , Randall ? Man do I love that guitartone :worship: :worship: ! Drums sound live and acoustic too...

Yeah, its youtube, but maybe you got a slightest impression of the sound.
Some swedes here who got more info about this ?

remember be sure that the youtube url ends qith "&fmt=18", (better quality)

Click on the "Youtube" link above the embedded video square!



Maybe this song is with Mesa ? I do know Therion uses it too....

Notre Dame was Snowy Shaw's band, really insande and good as heck! :)
The "Vampire" album was recorded in the basement under Los Angered Recordings by Snowy himself mostly and I think that he played everything himself (exept the chick vocals of course who was Spiderella).

Ampwise my guess is either POD or andys modified Marshall Valvestate as that's what he was using live when I saw Notre Dame, not sure on this though.

A shame that Snowy stopped doing notre dame, their liveshow was awesome.
Remember this band.

Like the drums sound a lot.

Band's artwork is great... Reminds me of some Tim Burton tribute to "old school" stuff.

The "almost spoken" female singing in the first song is really weird and fun.

Vampirella is goddamn hot !
Thanks Fredrik !
In the basement? Well, the guy got talent in spades!!

I have had some time listening to the Demi Monde Bizarre album. The guitarsound is a bit heavier there. It makes me think of a Diezel amp, very "scooped" :heh:

Maybe I should save moneys for a Diezel Herbert, :p
I have also heard you can use heavy eq on effects loop on a Mesa to get a similar scooped tone

Here is mp3 from a review:
