Is this what they call "Catch 22"?


Feb 2, 2002
Anthrax isn't on the radio because they aren't popular with today's kids.
Anthrax isn't popular with today's kids because they aren't on the radio.
Is that an example of Catch 22, or is it a paradox, or what?
Ty, you're the English teacher. What is it?.... (caught in a mosh):D
...I'd say it is bullshit. The phrase catch-22 comes from a 1960's war novel of the same name: Catch 22. A catch 22 if memory serves is a military provision that stipulates that a soldier can only be relieved of duty if he is deemed mentally unfit to serve. However, anyone who thought enough to ask, was obviously sane enough to realize that they were scared of the horrors of war, so they had to stay and fight. In more lamen's terms, to quote alice cooper "i can't get a job, cause I ain't got a car, I can't get a car 'cause I ain't got a job.

A paradox on the other hand, is something that is, but simply can't be or must be the opposite. Like if I say "I am lying" It is the truth because I am lying, but it is a lie, because I told ya I was lying. Wow, that's deep.
But when you say that it is bullshit, do you mean my statement is bullshit, or do you mean that it is bullshit that Anthrax doesn't get any airplay?
As a supporter of Ty-Hero-Worship :)lol:), I would say either the term catch 22 is bullshit or that Anthrax not on the radio is bullshit or both. But I doubt he meant you personally, cause you made a good point. I guess that means it's up to us...
...I'm saying that anthrax not being on radio is bullshit. And, your statement is a catch-22, by the definition of a catch-22, it certainly fits. There is a station in columbus that uses Bello on their tag lines "this is frankie bello from anthrax and you're listening to 107.1, the big wazu" and they NEVER play them. It is definitely a catch-22, but not a paradox. Paradox's are weird.
... as soon as you get a "hit" everyone cries sellout. I remember people hearing tunes like "Only" (people thought it sounded "seattle") and "Black Lodge" (obviously it was mellow) and people said, Anthrax are selling out!?! So fuck it. Double binds/catch 22, what are we do??? What do you think of all this thraxdude?? (and of course the princess can chime in whenever she likes)
I don't think you could ever say that Anthrax sold out cause they always did what they wanted. But it is true once a band gets airplay or even has commerical success they are deemed (normally wrongly) to have sold out.
I didn't say they sold out, but that other "people" did. Any time a band goes major label &/or gets a song on radio/mtv, there are cries of SELLOUT.

*testament: return to serenity
*danzig: mother live '93(funny thing was, people forgot it was an OLD SONG)
*suicidal tendencies: I'll hate you better / nobody hears
*bad religion: Infected
*Pantera: Planet Caravan

need I go on.....................
I wasn't accusing you of saying they sold out. Just saying that people couldn't say they sold out as the direction of music they took probably lead to them selling fewer records than they could have done.
I hear you. I remember the same thing. I was at a party about 10 years ago, and Anthrax-Black Lodge was on the radio.
I was like, "Sweet! Anthrax."
And my friend was like, "This is Anthrax?! Geez." He meant he thought the same thing. That they were selling out.
Then I was like, "Shhhhya, don't even go there, girlfriend." (Or something like that.)
I also remember a long time ago when I saw the Antisocial video on MTV. Back then, it was cool. I don't think anyone could accuse them of being sellouts back in the 80's, cause that's when they used to play good music on MTV and the radio.
I wish those days were here again....metal bands could do whatever they wanted, and they'd get airplay, and they wouldn't be considered sellouts.
Those were the days.
There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling right now--Comic book Guy
Agreeing with some of the sentiment, the fight to ballance the loosely defined terms success and selling-out, is definetly a Catch-22 situation.

There's a ska band called Catch-22. Anyone listen to them, or is it lame to listen to ska?
I don't particularly dig it. I really thought it was funny when Anthrax did the ska version of "Got the Time" on the Tour of Terror in 1998, before Bush would say, "fuck that ska shit, Mr. Bello, play it the right way!" Ironically, I thought the ska version of "G. Time" sounded cool......