Is Tool metal?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
As per NAD's definitions:

AENIMA is the greatest album of all time.

Rust in Peace is the greatest METAL album of all time.

If Tool were metal, wouldn't AENIMA be greater than RiP?


Didn't someone already call me out on this poor logic? :dopey:

Tool is subjectively metal.

Megadeth is objectively metal.

Damn, that was easy. :Spin:
Either way, I still included a flaw in the logic. Since AENIMA is the greatest album of all time (independent of genre), then by default it's better than RiP, so it becomes a moot point.

What I really should say, by your definition, is:

AENIMA > *.*
I remember one time I entered my pet pig into the fair, and she over onto the bannister and shot a full load worth of poo right into this one judge's face well the judge didn't like it I mean who likes to be crapped on well maybe some people but not me I'm not into poop games at all I prefer stuff like Risk which reminds me I bought Lord of the Rings Risk a week ago and haven't played the fucker yet but I'm waiting for it just like a bus Cara is on a bus I hope she doesn't have to pee in any Gatorade bottles of beer on the wall, 1,400 bottles of beer is good and I'm looking forward to drinking beer but it's not necessary THIS IS NECESSARY LIFE FEEDS ON LIFE is good I'm happy with my band and not getting laid just like a chicken without any eggs benedict Arnold monks trappist just like seal clubbers and sluts with tube tops and I wish I had an intertube to hit the waves with but I don't but that's obey kabey because Boondock Saints is a great flick of the light switch off the television because I've got something to say.
more metal than Tool:

JayKeeley said:
Either way, I still included a flaw in the logic. Since AENIMA is the greatest album of all time (independent of genre), then by default it's better than RiP, so it becomes a moot point.

What I really should say, by your definition, is:

AENIMA > *.*
Well I guess this thread was dead before it hit the ground. :loco:

2. Danzig 4p
3. All Things Must Pass
4 - 25. whatever
Aenima :kickass:

didn't you say Lateralus passed Aenima for a while, NAD?

i'll take Aenima anyday... and that fucking video with the people covered in sand and all the ... sand and stuff. creepy as hell.
Demilich said:
didn't you say Lateralus passed Aenima for a while, NAD?
Yeah, but I was drunk. :loco: I think that Lateralus is the creative peak for the band (unless their next one can somehow surpass it), but ÆNIMA is still my favorite shit put to wax, and has been since 1999, when I finally realized it was better than Undertow, my previous Best. Album. EvAr.
Demilich said:
i'll take Aenima anyday... and that fucking video with the people covered in sand and all the ... sand and stuff. creepy as hell.
I think Tool is one of the very few bands that actually create works of art with their music videos, and that (Stinkfist) is the only one I don't like. :lol:

EDIT: I said Schism a second ago. D'OH!
I have a Tool shirt that no longer fits me. Do you want it NAD?

I also have an Iced Earth shirt that's really tight on the sides. It's like, these metal merchandise fuckers pick the worst t-shirt sources in the world - crap cotton, shit sizing all wrong, and they shrink and pick up too much lint. :loco:

Most comfortable metal shirt I've got is that Agalloch long sleeve from the Pagan Winter tour.
One Inch Man said:
Yeah, but I was drunk. :loco: I think that Lateralus is the creative peak for the band (unless their next one can somehow surpass it), but ÆNIMA is still my favorite shit put to wax, and has been since 1999, when I finally realized it was better than Undertow, my previous Best. Album. EvAr. I think Tool is one of the very few bands that actually create works of art with their music videos, and that (Stinkfist) is the only one I don't like. :lol:

EDIT: I said Schism a second ago. D'OH!

You crazy fuck, I like that one! and the other ones, but that one's the most "different", i think... the one for "Prison Sex" is pretty cool too... my all-time favourite would probably have to be the original, "Sober". is that their first video?
JayKeeley said:
I have a Tool shirt that no longer fits me. Do you want it NAD?
Dude I'm bigger than you, how the F is it gonna fit me? Offer appreciated of course, but unless the shirt grew I think I'm SOL. :loco:

Metal shirts fucking BLOW. I've had like schfourteen million over the years and probably 3 have been comfortable. My Nasheim shirt is one of those 3, nice choice Erik and/or footbalm!