is vista stable yet?

Ive been using vista since I got my new laptop not too long ago, I've had zero problems so far. I actually like it better than XP now, its much more sleek.
this is something I've been wondering lately. My desktop at home is beginning to take a shit (after 4 or 5 years of faithful service), so I've been keeping an eye on the computer market...but I'm thinking of waiting for Windows 7 to come out, but I don't want to because the first wave stuff always has some flaws. So the dilemma is choosing between Vista which has been serviced or Windows 7. I think I'll wait for the official reviews of Windows 7

and then there's ubuntu...
Linux bro.

Even though I don't have it on my home computer, I've used it before and it was nice.
this is something I've been wondering lately. My desktop at home is beginning to take a shit (after 4 or 5 years of faithful service), so I've been keeping an eye on the computer market...but I'm thinking of waiting for Windows 7 to come out, but I don't want to because the first wave stuff always has some flaws. So the dilemma is choosing between Vista which has been serviced or Windows 7. I think I'll wait for the official reviews of Windows 7

From what I've seen of 7 (someone where I work got a copy of the Beta), it looks almost exactly like Vista, just with minor improvements / new features here and there. I would think that it won't be nearly as buggy as Vista upon first release, but I guess the reviews will tell.
I personally think it's hilarious that companies would make a comp with 1 GB system onboard RAM that have the newest version of Vista. It's like they want you to hate Vista.
I've heard Vista has been fine since the latest service pack came out. My laptop is over 5 years old and I need to get a new comp in the next year or two so I should start looking.
Regardless of how un-broken Microsoft finally got Vista, the fact is that it was a flop and Windows 7 is right on the horizon to replace it, so I don't know why anyone would grab a computer running Vista at this of all times.
it [vista] was a flop and Windows 7 is right on the horizon to replace it
Doesn't mean 7 would be an improvement. They kept playing with new technologies each year.. COM, then COM+, DCOM.... and now .NET. Looking for a 'replacement' each time and not being able to replace any one of the last ones completely.. just putting piles and piles on top under the excuse of 'backward compatibility' and getting nowhere in the end. 'Ease of use' is more important to them than anything. Blah.

Death to M$
Well yeah, it's going to be bloated, but that seems like more of a hard drive space issue than a performance issue, and space is dirt-cheap.

I don't think it's going to be worse than Vista though. The new features might be buggy, but other than that it pretty much looks like Vista 2, with some of the original Vista complaints addressed. They seem to have created a better version of the whole User Account Control thing which makes it easier to manage all those security popups Vista threw at people, and it most likely isn't as bogged down in DRM shit.
Vista has been stable for fucking ages. Get a laptop with vista on it and buy another 2gb of RAM. It's £25 and takes 5 minutes to install.

All you whiny faggots who bitch about vista, try using it on a system designed for vista and quit moaning. XP had the same problems when it was released.
^ You forgot one thing: people like to be able to run other programs on their computers too without it choking. The goal isn't just to have a computer that's good enough to run Vista alone. :lol:

With 2 GB of RAM on an XP machine, you could like scan for viruses, check your e-mail, surf the Internet, and play a high-end computer game all at once.