Isis Call It A Day

I saw them recently as well. They're playing another show here in a few weeks but I'm on a budget and really shouldn't go.
Nooo-o.... that sucks a lot... especially regarding the fact I won't probably be able to see them on their farewell tour.... One of my fave bands btw, so I'm really disappointed X((
Fuck they're so good. I don't listen to them much cuz I just can't, as it is now with Opeth, Tool, etc., but damn. They rule.
They are my favorite band in that genre along with Cult of Luna.. sure sucks, but the reason seems good. Pity they won't tour here.. I couldn't see them earlier this year.
You have to respect any band that goes out at the height of their fame instead of fading out.

One of my fav bands, so sad to hear this. :( But on the other hand I have to agree with BlueSky, better leave now than fade out.
i'm more of a red sparowes fan, i love the music behind isis/RS, but i just cant stand his one note yelling, reminds me of behemoth (same, one note all the time)

still, i figured this would be one of those bands that go on forever
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that snare reverb at 3.20 gets me every time

they will be missed.