Isolation - Blackened Doom from Hitler's Mausoleum

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Do you like milk in your tea?!?! This band's s/t is the perfect companion to a cup of chai and a good read. If you don't live in a favela, throw a log on to the fireplace and succumb to the desperate shrieks of schizophrenia that sullenly patter against your right temple lobe. There's absolutely no reasoning to the madness that awaits. The body of their demos which can be found on their self-titled best of consists primarily of mid-paced black metal with tempo changes that cross in to doomish waters. The vocals may be a turn off for some, (think banshee alababa shrills ala Silencer, or Cara DeAngelis being plugged with a curling iron.) They also recently did a split with Austere that warrants a listen.

Myspace is shit, so I present to thee, their second demo for dled.
What type of blackened doom are we talking about? Like Elysian Blaze or Dolorian? I'll check it out when I get home, hopefully.
Seriously, folks...if you don't mind a few moments on myspace, check out Austere. Listen to the first track (though they are all quite good)...beginning around 4:28 prepare to hear some finest this genre has to offer. That riff absolutely kills me every time. So damn beautiful.
Truly, I am not picky when it comes to vocals. However, I really can't stand that style at all. I'd probably love Silencer if it wasn't for the "banshee" screams.
I just went to their my space because it was easier then DL for me. I like it alot. Love the vocals. Reminds me of Hypothermia ( sp?) if anyone has heard of them , which Im sure someone has.