isolation booth plans


clown shoe baffoon
Nov 30, 2001
anyone know of a website where i can find plans for building a vocal isolation booth and a guitar isolation booth for 4x12 cabs?? I have been searching the net BUT I have jad no luck so far
Love Curran
This one seems good as a starting point reference for a cab: cab.htm

This stuff seems like it would work great but probably not necessary:

I couldn't find much either but it seems like the box within a box idea with drywall for soundproofing and Auralex for sound absorption is basically the way to do it.
When it come to a vocal booth you may want to consider temperature. I imagine it could get really out in those even with some type of ventilation, especially in the summer. I wouldn't want to deal with that.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Otherwise: ????

Love Radd :lol:
thanks man I have some rough ideas put in my noggin, but i don't want to drop 500-1000 per iso booth in materials to have them sound like shit or "boxy" as I have seen mentioned on some sites. thanks again duder!
Love Curran
I think it won't sound boxy if you've put enough absorbtion materials in it. Rockwool or Fiberglass does the job. It isn't obligatory to spend on Auralex in my oppinion...well it's always better but costs too much for me.
I think you'll find that OC-701 outperforms Auarlex accross the board and is cheaper.

Maybe..never had OC-701 though, az I live in eastern Europe. In fact, I've never had Auralex either :lol: But from my experience with Rockwool and from what I've read, you can make an Iso booth work just fine without spending a lot of money.
the auralex is for the walls inside of the iso rooms, the actual insulation I am still trying to figure out. I can't find anyplace here in ohio that sells rockwool, WOULD the fiberglass stuff work just as well as the rock wool stuff? cause I can find that stuff everywhere
For killing reflections, but not for isolation, right?

Hell no... For isolation. I record vocals with the vocalist standing 5 feet behind me while the speakers are on and in-phase with very little bleed.

Everybody feels like a superstar when they're behind it too...which leads to better performances.

The only good thing about those booth thingys is that they double as a sauna.

You can still hear high frequencies, which would never diffuse through a wall, with or without their fancy schmancy sheetrock.

I'm not saying that their product doesn't work, but their "demos" make it seem like they don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
The Reflexion Filter absolutely destroys all of those prefab booth things.

1 dB loss of sensitivity??? Pfffttt. :rolleyes: ;)

the auralex is for the walls inside of the iso rooms, the actual insulation I am still trying to figure out. I can't find anyplace here in ohio that sells rockwool, WOULD the fiberglass stuff work just as well as the rock wool stuff? cause I can find that stuff everywhere

No! The OC-703 is in place of the auralex. The Rigid fiberglass absorbs better over the whole frequency spectrum than the auralex.

...and No! The pink fiberglass stuff is not the same as rock wool. The rock wool is expensive, but it works.

There are two ways to achieve isolation: mass and de-coupling.

For mass: add as many layers of sheet rock (5/8" not the crappy 1/4") as possible. Use green glue between layers (not cheap). Use mass loaded vinyl in between layers too.

For de-coupling: for a guitar box = you can just float the box on neopream (sp?), or use the Auralex floaters, or you can get some of the pucks used to float floors. For a vocal booth, float the floor, support the ceiling on the walls, and make sure the walls don't touch the walls of the room they're in. Oh, and make sure you dont violate any building codes, they're there for a good reason - and dying in a Great White fire ain't worth it.

Having just built two of my three studio rooms, I can tell you that isolation is the most expensive part of the process. My acoustic treatements were only a few thousand dollars.
You can still hear high frequencies, which would never diffuse through a wall, with or without their fancy schmancy sheetrock.

I'm not saying that their product doesn't work, but their "demos" make it seem like they don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.

Oh, I didn't realize that.

I thought TheDude's rolled eyes were at me and had me wondering "WTF did I say?" :erk: