Isolation cabinet for speaker


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2008
Hey !!
I´m interested in an isolation cab for recording guitars in my apartment.
So to Andy and the rest of you ;
Do any of you have any experience using these boxes, without them sounding.. eh.. "boxy" ?

Grendel Dead Room:

Rivera Silent Sister :

Demeter Silent Speaker Chamber :

Btw I´ll be recording with a Splawn Quickrod.

Thanks :headbang:
i dunno man, but lemme know if you want to get the demeter shit...i might be able to score you a sweet deal on it
I need to get some more info about these cabs from the users.
Anyone have any experience & suggestions to what cab that sounds best and less boxy ?
i'm thinking about getting one of these... would definitely be interested in hearing anyone's opinions on which of these would be the best

where would one go about purchasing one of the rivera's? i can't seem to find a price for them online

Does anyone here have any experience with recording guitar amps using an iso box ??