Israeli metal

Crimson Death

El Basilisco
Jan 24, 2002
Did you get to listen to israeli metal?
If yes who introduced it to you?
If you've decided to buy a copy how easy was it getting one?
What bands did you hear, did you find any uniqueness in the style?

A personal reccomendation, buy Salem's new album : Collective Demise, it is a great album
hehehehehehe... Israelies are not wanted to answer this question, now we're missing Itay... :)
hmmmmmm.. Actually I've known about Orphaned Land's popularity in Turkey
Anybody else to join this virtual mosh pit?
u know, he can't speak hebrew :) nor read it...
I want answers from euro-people! americans! australians! everywhere! but answer...
Oh and check out People, Israeli band that played what could only be defined to my ears as Disco-death :)
I've got their two demos, whoever wants it on mp3s (including you Noga:) ) could contact me via my ICQ : 122464877

I might be recording the nest Salem show on my Camera and put an online copy of the entire show...

Let Israeli metal live!
Originally posted by Crimson Death
hehehehehehe... Israelies are not wanted to answer this question, now we're missing Itay... :)
hmmmmmm.. Actually I've known about Orphaned Land's popularity in Turkey
Anybody else to join this virtual mosh pit?

åîä àðé, òæ?

anyway, the best band to ever come out of israel didn't play metal, Parva Chama rules!

hmm....oh, and the best israeli metal band is definately Impaled Keves.
Impaled Keves isn't considered music...
And I didn't know you, to know that you were Israeli
åàúä ìà òæ, àúä àéîôééìã ëáù :)
Sadly yes, since I missed on Orphaned Land's live accustic show... I must make it up for myself... If you go we must meet this time... talk to me on the ICQ if you can...
There's Rochiah, they are religious and play rock-metal, but they're not well known... I once wanted to do an avantgarde Hassidic-death band.. no one wanted to help :(