it could be a good year!


Oct 25, 2002
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I've just read that Michael Schenker has relinquished his stranglehold on UFO and they can now tour without him! In typical Schenker fashion he said "BE AWARE IF YOU BUY A U f O CONCERT TICKET IT WILL BE
Yeah right! I've had tickets for 3 tours that he blew out including his own bands around 1981! More interestingly,Paul 'Tonka' Chapman is playing gigs with Pete Way at the moment. Wouldn't it be great to see the 'unrestricted' UFO again? I still think The wild,the willing and the innocent is UFOs best album. Hopefully Michael will get some treatment and return to his former glory.:D
I haven't got a clue what is going on with UFO these days! How comes Michael Schenker has got control of the band/name? Or at least did have. Whats the full story?

I've heard it said that Graham Oliver is a bit of a Michael Schenker. Well, I think that's what they said! :lol:
From what I can gather when they re-formed with Schenker they must have signed away certain rights. They couldn't perform as UFO without him so they did a couple of Mogg/Way albums. I have heard since (although not Gospel!) that Schenker then registered Mogg/Way so they couldn't use that either and even won a court case in the good ol' U.S of A. I saw the re-formed UFO in Hannover (Schenkers home town) and you could only buy his solo merchandise before the gig. The announcer also said he alone would be out afterwards to sign stuff although I didn't hang around to find out. It was like he had his solo career but Phil and Pete weren't allowed to have theirs. The guy has problems which ,hopefully, he will sort out because he can play a bit!