It Prevails - The Inspiration

@Decoys: Sweet! I found the guy, sent him an email asking about the guitar tone and bass tone. Hopefully he's cool enough to reply!
@Remembrances: You're in luck, this guy is awesome.

"The guitars are a Les Paul with emg 81's. The amp was a block letter 5150. The cab was a 79' Marshall 1960a with Celestion G12-65 speakers in it. The mics were a Royer R121 and an SM57 right on the cab.

The bass, was a Fender Jazz Bass in to a Bass pod. Any distortion was a tube screamer.


Very interesting cabinet choice, it sounds great!
I don't dig this tone at all...

The songwriting is awesome and the songs are strong but the production is not so my cup of tea.

One more album with a non V30 Marshall, can't stand those...
Haha, I'm starting to realize that I dig albums that aren't V30 more often than not. I think it's time to try a new cab. More new info about the HUGE leads

Yeah. You're welcome to post what ever.

Most of the big sounding lead parts on the record are my modified 1979 Marshall JMP. The cab was a 70's Marshall slant with g12m 25w black back celestions. Same mic set up.

I'm pretty sure all the guitar parts were doubled.

I just paid for the customized Hughes and Kettner amp It Prevails have been using for Rythms lately.
Can't wait until it arives (I live in Sweden so it might take som time).

I have this shitty marshall 4x12 right now which I know are gonna mess with the tone.
Any suggestions on what celestions I should replace the original speakers with to get that warm Capture and Embrace tone? (I prolly will use a little more gain than on the Capture & Embrace album)
Sorry bud, I didn't email the producer of C&E, mostly because I didn't like the album :p.

It's more than likely V30's though.
I know you didn't.
I pretty much love all IPs releases.
Just wondered if anyone had suggestions since I've havent got the chance to try out all the celestions yet.
I would definately go with V30's.

But I! would wait till you can afford a whole new cab. Look out for Lasse's cab comparison, the construction makes a HUGE difference too. Not only the speakers.

You can't go wrong with a OS, anyways...

Btw. the capture sound rules;)
(in this context)
Alright man I see.
I think I'll go with V30s since it gives alot of clarity to the midtones.

Stoked for the new IP release!