It'a a far cry from the world we thought we'd inherit...

The Stormbringer
Aug 11, 2002
Hey y'all,

every one of you with a sane mind owes himself/herself a visit to to listen to the full version of their new single "Far Cry", which I'm absolutely in love with right now.
Imagine the heavy parts of "Time And Motion" and the sweet choruses of "Earthshine" meeting in the middle ground. I'm a big fan of Alex's penchant for textural, even borderline noisy guitar stuff that he has had since "Test For Echo". All in all, a great progression from their last two albums, with great production to boot.
i'm super excited for this album. i think far cry is a great single. what i love is that there was a point that they were actually ALL in the studio TOGETHER for a portion of the recording, so it was nice to actually see them together :D
the new single doesn't blow me away, but i'm willing to listen to more of the stuff. besides, it's the lyrics that usually grow on me that make me appreciate the music far more.
It's not awesome, but it's certainly better than their last two albums. I will still definitely be buying the CD the day it comes out.