Italy's Wotan - 'Carmina Barbarica' Great Old School Epic Heavy Metal

Mmm, saw them live at KIT, and they weren't really that good. Mostly the vocals were a bit special, only to be liked by their (quit fanatic) follow I guess...
There is the the fact that the Metal-fans scene is about the best in the Miditerranian-Sea area, but there are very few really good Metal bands from over there.
I'd have to agree with you - they're nothing spectacular but the singer has a very distintive sound (reminds me of someone but I'm unable to think of who- I will though). I'm a REALLY big Domine fan (from the same area) and to me Wotan does the Domine thing somewhat different and I took a real liking to it. I do have the new Wotan album that I haven't listened to yet so I may have to update this article somewhere down the line.