Itchy balls - how do u tackle them?


when september comes
Aug 5, 2009
Was speaking to a bunch of colleague before and i had the biggest itch that i had to scratch. As you probarly know i cant just do it out in the open. So i took a pen from the next desk, put it in my pocket and fiddled around till i find the sweet spot, all the while maintaining a straight face/ eye contact. No one noticed a thing. Hah. Im looking at the owner of the pen and he is biting the tip as im typing this.
i shower twice a day. :)
Not enough air circulation down there.
Do you wear 80's spandex or tight denim trousers?
If yes, welcome to the XXI century.
If not, get a can of insecticide and exterminate your pubic lices and crabs.

…have a pen in your pocket at all times/unleash the scratch

i remember standing at the altar next to my dad as his best man at his second wedding… what a time for the itchy balls to strike...