It's 8 O'Clock in Boise, Idaho


Yes this is a Skynyrd appreciation thread! Or Southern Rock in General!
There's a lot of people out there that would call me out of my mind, but I think the post-crash version of Skynyrd is actually better than the band from the 70's! That's just my opinion, I like what Rickey Medlocke & Johnny Van Z add to the current band, plus they found a pretty decent drummer in the ex-Damn Yankee Mike Carttelone(sp?). Feel free to add your comments on L.S. or your fave southern rock band(s)! But please no Bon Fire! They are by no means southern rock, they are a German Bon Jovi for Christ's sake!:yuk:
6 \m/
I love Skynyrd. One of those bands that have so many great songs. Call me the Breeze, GImme 3 steps, Workin for MCA. Never seen them live but they sound great on all the tv specials i have seen must be awesome live. One of the best American bands ever with some awesome guitar playing. When i was in High School i saw 38 special 3 0r 4 times big fans of theres as well... Good tunes with great guitar work
HAYULL YAYUSS Skynyrd rules! Swine, I notice a disturbing trend with you, though, my friend. You tend to find the "new" lineups of a lot of classic bands to be superior to the "old". ???? The Skynyrd "cover band" can not come close to the pure redneck magic of the sounds created by Ronnie and co. I am just busting balls here, mind you..but you even dare to put the great DLR behind HAGAR and so forth....All I am saying is that when the band changes...the chemistry changes and what was originally great is sometimes, even when great, sub par to the original. My case in point...MOTLEY CRUE...They did a fantastic album with John Corabi but it was not Motley in my was something else...AC/DC is great with Brian Johnson, but still not anything like "Livewire" or "Highway to Hell"....I dunno... maybe I'm more narrow minded than I think...don't hate me, buddy, I'm just looking for some feedback from ya....maybe I'm just stuck in the past?
The 1971 Muscle Shoals sessions ("Skynyrds First" cd) are my favorite Skynyrd... less polished then their later stuff
While they probably barely count as Southern Rock, Blackfoot has always ruled the roost by far.
I do like Skynyrd and love Medlocke as well as Cartellone (who could easily step into a metal band) but as far as the "new" Skynyrd being better than the old, I can't see. The problem is that I haven't really heard anything from the new Skynyrd on rock radio, so obviously they haven't wrote any "instant classics" yet. From a pure musicality standpoint, I think it would be more than fair to say the new Skynyrd is superior as Medlocke is the best lead guitarist they ever had (no offense to Rossington Collins and King) nad Cartellone sounds better to me than Pyle, though Pyle was a powerful drummer. Jonny, doesn't have the range Ronnie did though and he struggles with some of the classic stuff and in fact Skynyrd plays some of the classic stuff in a lower key.
