Its a good day


Apr 28, 2005
Nice breeze and plenty of sun here in the east valley of Arizona. Got Vol8, Stomp and WCFYA on randon in the CD player...... windows open and cranking for all the Mormons to enjoy! Tossing back some good beers and living like its the last day on Earth.......... Wherever you are or whatever your doing all you motherfuckers should join me in a "Toast to the Extras" and post your HUGE FRIDAY right here in this thread. Lets see how much less cognisant and coherant the posts get as the night rolls on. I dont care how old you are or what responsibiliy you have tonight lets get it on like a bunch of METAL THRASHING MAD motherfuckers..... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I can't afford to go out partying tonight so I'll be sitting at home beer in one hand, remote in the other watching hoops. Think I'll mute the TV and watch the games with WCFYA cranked.
Off to a local bar/ pub. Hopefully I'll meet a nice Irish girl that would like to suck my shamrock.. Who am i shitting. I'll be lucky if I can have a good conversation. At least I'll be drinking.
Man I spent my Friday at home nursing my Achilles injury after my Physio gave me some `massaging' from hell on it.

Damn that hurt. I thought they were supposed to help?

But anyway - I spent the rest of the day just sitting on the couch catching up on my X-Files DVDs.

I'm a frickn Nerd.

But here's a shout out and toast to all you MoFo's.
friday night with my wife and my son listening to iron maiden burning in the computer room and typing this stuff son adrian "who was named after adrian smith of iron maiden", is causing mishief and havok will not yet.... but he is sure acting like he is...he is only 10 mos... usually that is what we do sometimes my wife lets my son crawl all around as long as he does not get into my cd collections,guitars and maiden figurines.... the way the new JOE SATRIANI CD..SUPER COLOSSAL kicks ass....satchmo never seems to disappoint me love all his wrk and i got his cds and dvds...i'm a fan

well thats it you punk motherRuckers
i'm out......................
.......Im about 7 beers into the evening now. Four Peaks is a local brew I am drinking the ever incredible Kilt Lifter. The Mrs convinced me to try some Baileys... ack man never again. She and a friend are drinking Buttery Nipples. 1/2 shot irish cream and 1/2 shot butterscotch schnaps. No schnaps for me either. That stuff is good for a two day hangover. We have MOMD on the Surround and keeping the neighbors up with it! :headbang:
All day I thought about how I wanted to tell the world to fuck off and sit and play Some 360 tonight and drink a bunch of Guinnes.
But it turns out I'm freakin' exhasted, I only had the energy to pop on some SYL and... well, drink a bunch of Guinnes.
I worked tonight, I dran one beer, but I jammed to Anthrax Vol 8 all day and on the way home from work, Its cold here, overcast, shitty. Tommorow I am going out with the wife, so we shall see.

fuckin a man, keep it cranked!!
"I drink to them because they don't talk too much....":kickass:
Baileys is good with Bushmills. Sorry I didn't post last night but I got drunk at home chilled with my wife a cigar and brew. :headbang:

and I'm starting again.
Nice breeze and plenty of sun here in the east valley of Arizona. Got Vol8, Stomp and WCFYA on randon in the CD player...... windows open and cranking for all the Mormons to enjoy!

Speaking of mormons, I still have this image in my head of what happened the first and last time they knocked on my door. I was literally biting my lips to keep myself from laughing because all I had running in my head was the scene from Orgazmo where Trey Parker gets cussed out by the old lady. My fiancee was laughing her ass off at my expense through it all.
The east valley has a HUGE Mormon community. In fact in my neighborhood I am the minority in that respect. They came for collection my first weekend in the new house and I couldnt believe it. I am pretty sure the folks before us were mormon. Needless to say with my shaved head, ink and piercings they never came back to my door. As for St Pattys day I kept on a chuggin and got maybe 3 hours sleep. Did some work I needed to finish and went out to the pub to kill off whatever green beer might be left. Drunken Karaoke and one hell of a corned beef samich.......Today just chilin and letting the guts straighten back out a bit... at least until tonight! LOL!

P.S. Mormons are the greatest fuckin neighbors. They will halp you move shit and never play music or have loud partys. Leaves it all for me!
I have heard that alot about them being good neighbors. All i know is that every since that happened I felt bad about it because I never intended for that to happen. In fact I heard that they are one of the nicest people to talk to.
When I consulted\temped at UPS I dealt with 6 districts, one being Utah. When it comes to generaliztions those Mormons worked hard and got their shit right. Their district data made it great for testing new databases, etc.
For the most part todays Mormons at large arent the Jerry Springer B.S. that a lot of people think it is. No multiple homes/wives/falimy etc. Friendly helpfull and accepting people. I had a built in impression when I moved here from the Midwest. That has changed a great deal. ALthough I do so enjoy being the only freaky looking bastard in the hood! LMAO!
ThraxEm said:
For the most part todays Mormons at large arent the Jerry Springer B.S. that a lot of people think it is. No multiple homes/wives/falimy etc. Friendly helpfull and accepting people. I had a built in impression when I moved here from the Midwest. That has changed a great deal. ALthough I do so enjoy being the only freaky looking bastard in the hood! LMAO!
What's wrong with multiple wives? I might have to look further into their lifestyle and may be reconsider my own values...
I dont know about you brother but one is fuckin plenty for me to handle.... Could you imagine THREE or MORE homey do lists? Shit.... there would be no time for metal other than car repair... LMAO!