It's been five days now, when's the NEXT announcement????

Rob is going to lay the smackdown on your candy ass!!!!!!!!!
I think it's a fair question. I'm sure the Powerfest crew is doing all they can to lock this down as soon as possible. That said, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask when we can expect announcemnets. Especially in respect to the headliners, which will be the determining factor for many, as to whether or not they attend. After all, a lot of people have travel arrangements to make. And with airfare, hotels, etc., waiting till the last moment usually costs you.

Sorry guys...we're trying really hard to get the headliners confirmed...but with headliners comes hassling with booking agents...who have their own agendas as well. :Smug:

Rob, I know your hands are tied, but even if you have the headliners nailed down but can't announce them, do you at least have an idea of when you might be able to announce them? If not then ok, but at least that information would be helpful in terms of knowing when I can start the specifics of planning the trip.

Rob, I know your hands are tied, but even if you have the headliners nailed down but can't announce them, do you at least have an idea of when you might be able to announce them? If not then ok, but at least that information would be helpful in terms of knowing when I can start the specifics of planning the trip.


We hope to have something for you guys this week, but can't promise that unfortunately. Although, in case it matters, our drop dead deadline to have the lineup done is Feb 9th, with the announcement the following Monday, Feb 12th.
Excellent news all around, Rob !! Keep up the good work, and hopefully things will go somewhat according to plan for you guys. I'm sure working out the details on this stuff can be pretty frustrating and all.

We hope to have something for you guys this week, but can't promise that unfortunately. Although, in case it matters, our drop dead deadline to have the lineup done is Feb 9th, with the announcement the following Monday, Feb 12th.

Thanks Rob, I know it can be very frustrating to be bound in such a manner. Best of luck and that info is just what I was looking for. Perfect.

Also, we'll be announceing the hotel info tomorrow morning...this will include Powerfest discount deals we worked out with 3 of the surrounding hotels for a block of rooms at each.

I think Bob said he would put up a few out of towners..
Though it will be cramped!
I once laid down on his floor and I touched all four walls!
I think Bob said he would put up a few out of towners..
Though it will be cramped!
I once laid down on his floor and I touched all four walls!

yeah, no kidding...even the Cockroaches are getting tired of the small think about it...I havent seen any as of late....maybe they moved out. I got room in my bed too. So I can fit one person. And a cozy couch to, with the 36 inch TV about 2 feet from the couch. The best part is that I sleep in my kitchen and I can reach my George Forman grill from my bed so I can cook my burgers while I lay in bed. How is that for living like a king!!!!