"It's just messed up"


Aug 2, 2002
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or "It's all messed up".

these are my explanations for everything nowadays. i don't have time to explain. i feel like i'm going in circles anyway. essentially, these two responses can answer any lifestyle question, and probing into one's personal life, any questions about current events, etc. plus, it seems to work better than just turning around and leaving, which has been the past method.
that works too, except i hate answering questions. i'm too evasive!

this also just happened:
director: adam upstairs has questions about letters of testimentary administration, could you help him?
me: okay. i mean, i'm not a lawyer but okay.
director: well, no one else knows.
me: okay then.
i walk away and say to my coworker wilfredo: that's just messed up.
this is an amazingly versatile phrase.

I just got told I'm being moved from my current office to one which will be run by a woman who was a secretary, slept with a full Colonel and made him divorce his wife, then he retired from the military and was made part of the Senior Executive Service.

she is so incredibly stupid, but incredibly powerful because everyone is intimidated by her husband. I sense this move could work to my benefit.

but still, "that's just messed up."
you can also throw it in before a long superfluous explanation like 'this is all messed up but.....'
or 'i'm all messed up i think'. it's so versatile. it's like a white skirt in spring.
i'm so glad you agree. i think maybe it's annoying to some people, but i find it sums things up nicely and helps me avoid spilling my guts.