Its my B'day! ( hauls thread)

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
hey, im finally 14 today, or the shitty years as i call it.:ill: For the party or whatever, i just had a few friends come over and watch heaps of movies and stuffed ouselves with pizza, and a few other things which i cant be bothered to type.

But who cares about that, noone. So heres the Cd's I plan to get or have ordered, kinda like a haul thread

METAL: didnt get as much as jazz, but i got a fair amount of good prog, didnt fell like much death either;
Adagio - Underworld
Pain of salvation - The perfect Element
Evergrey - In Search of Truth

JAZZ: I like jazz/fusion just as much as metal but i barely have any fusion disks, so i got heaps here;
Allan Holdsworth - Metal Fatigue
Garsed/Helmrich - Uncle Moes Space Ranch
Greg Howe - Extraction
Shawn Lane/Jonas Hellborg - Personae

yeah, so what do you guys think?
Happy birthday Shreddy

The Metal CD's are really cool. About Jazz, I'm not really into Jazz except for the drums. But yeah, I think the Jazz CD's are cool as well. :cool:
Happy Birthday, man! So young and already such a good taste in music. Hope you had a great day.

Those CD's are awesome. The new Adagio is one of the most devestating prog CD's I've ever heard. Be prepared for some dark music! Of course the new Greg Howe is awesome; Allan Holdsworth's Metal Fatigue has Allan's best solo ever on "Devil take the hindmost" - never heard anything like that before. The Uncle Moe's Space Ranch is great as well - Garsed and Helmerich are a great axe duo, and this is their best album as it's their most fusion-oriented one, so much better than their previous two "country-flavored" albums. Haven't heard the Shawn Lane one, but I'm sure it's awesome, the man was a monster!
Happy birthday copper, jesus when I was 14 I didn't even know what prog was, good on ya. My favorite jazz is Bill Brufords Eathworks, really full on, you might like it.
When I was fourteen, my only exposure to prog was when my father would occasionally put on bands he liked growing up, like Genesis or ELP, and I remember thinking that it was strange music, but I was able to recognize the talent involved immediately.

P.S. Happy birthday Shreddy!
yeah happy b day dude

But for Pain of Salvation's The Perfect Element, its a good cd, but I still think Entropia (their first) was definitely their best. Maybe next order eh?