Xfer has just (again) proven himself to be little more than a tool of the Zionist superstructure that dictates American (and thus global) policy.
Do you not think that genocide is already being committed against the Palestinian people, in the name of "stopping terrorism"? The Jew agenda of the so-called "peace process" pretends that our dispute is primarily about borders, but it is really about the right of return. We Palestinians will not be ethnically cleansed from our adopted homeland no matter how many Jew buses have to die to prevent it.
I call your attention to the attack on Jenin last year, which was surely the greatest crime of the past century. For shame, that none of you have taken up arms and bomb-belts and come to Palestine to join our noble cause against the occupiers. Under the treads of bulldozers we will cry out for freedom, and the name of Arafat shall be written in the pages of history alongside that of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.
I wish to close by reminding you all that the Jews were not in Auschwitz and Dachau to suffer, but to learn.