It's so AWESOME when bands have North American tours that only have dates in the U.S.

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Obviously I was being sarcastic. This has got to be the stupidest thing in the world. Why do promotors call a tour a "North American Tour" when all the dates are in only one country, the U.S.
If there was a European tour and it only went to Germany, would that b a European tour? Fuck no, because it's only in one country! So why do I read shit like "Good Band, Really Good Band, and Extremely Good Band are having a North American tour in April and May". Then I get all excited and see a final date listing and see no fucking Canadian dates at all. That is fucking gay. For example the Art of Noise Tour(I believe it was called) with Nile, Napalm Death, SYL, etc was stated to be a "North American" tour, yet had no Canadian dates. Same with the In Flames/Mudvayne tour. I see no Canadian dates. The upcoming Meshuggah/SYL tour(which is gonna rock so much) is stated to be "North American" tour, so let's hope it is or heads are gonna roll(mainly who ever's next to me at the time of disappointment).

In conclusion, I hate everything.
Whats even worse is when a band only play ONE date in a country. The ammount of amazing bands that only play london is fucking unreal.
It's shit because there is no way I can afford to go to london for a gig.So fucking expensive there, and they give shitty measures on spirits.
If American Bands Toured Canada And Mexico Then They Wouldn't Have Nearly As Much Time For Their Gigs In The Us. And Americans Are Willing To Pay So Much More Outrageous Prices For Not Only The Tickets But Also The Crappy-ass Merchandice. American Bands Won't Tour Canada Or Mexico Because It Is So-o-o Much More Profitable To Only Do Dates In The Us Not Only Because Americans Are So Willing To Get Ripped Off, But Also Because Of Money Exchange Rates For Canada And Mexico. This Is The Explination Why American Bands Don't Do Dates In Canada Or Mexico
EY, symphony X are playing on sunday plus we got amon amarth and behemoth in april

Ozzys doin a CANDIAN only tour with voivod.

See if your parents will let you go to BWBK fest with troy.
Just say youre going with a friend they know and their parents instead of a stranger over the internet, hehe, thats what Im doing, no way my dad'll let me go w/ a stranger.
yah man, i'm goin to amon amarth, symphony X though. and i wanna go to shadows fall really bad too. on march 17th in Hamilton Place(in Hamilton obviously) Henry Rollins is doing a spoken word and i'll be going to that and its gonna be awesome.

yah, i wanna go to the bw&bk six pack fest more than anything in the fucking world. its inbelievable how badly i want to go. but i don't know how i could go. i don't think your excuse would work. they might wantto talk to the parents of who i claim to be going with. fuck! i'm still confused as to why bw&bk is holding a fest that a club can handle in cleveland when they're headquartered in toronto. boggles the mind
dude, dude
just say that the parents are foreigners!!!
hahaha, perfect excuse!!!

Thats MY backup! :D

Maybe I'll see you at SX....I'll be wearing an Iron Maiden wickerman Tshirt, black jacket with white inside and long brown hair.

hehe, I basically described 50% of the metal head population, haha