it's that time again -- new darkthrone song

I like it. I don't care if they've become a tribute band. They aren't going to innovate in the black metal space anyways and it would be more embarrassing if they were rehashing their old sound.
i have a lot of respect for darkthrone because i think they are still real and honest and true, as it were

but i feel close to zero need to listen to the music anymore

except a couple of songs on "dark thrones and black flags" were really pretty amazing
For whatever reason, Darkthrone is one of about 3 bands that can do no wrong for me. I love everything they do, and every thing they have done.
Pretty much agree with the previous four posters. They still make good albums and occasional great songs, but it all sounds pretty half-assed. There is no way they could pour the same depth of emotion into new stuff as I find in the old, but they're still better than almost everyone else.
This I the first Darkthrone I have heard since Transilvanian Hunger. Yeah that's right. If someone had have played this to me without me knowing it was them, I'd never have believed it to be.

When the shit did they stop being black metal?