Its the Ballad of... the United States!!!


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA, yer all fuckin DEAD! All 300 muthafuckin million of us unlucky sumbitches!!"

I accidently watched a bit of the Democratic debate last night.

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

Holy fuckin shit! They wanna fuckin kill us!

"Na na, na na, na na!"

I think Osama and Hitlery BOTH wanna leave us in total ruins.

"Na na, na na, na na!"

The unrepentant things they said. The unspeakable things they want to do...

"Na na, na na, NA NA!"

And the GOP frontrunner is muthafuckin McKane...

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

No matter which way we bob an weave...

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

...We're DEAD!

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

That's right, sumbitches.

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

We're all fuckin walkin, talkin corpses here.

"Na na, na na, na na, NA NA!"

America will remain fucked no matter who is in office. The truth is we did it to ourselves.
Good point but, McCain is too moderate for me. Wasn't he on board with the immigration plan that gave amnesty to those already in the USA?
Yes he is!! As much as I like the man I am seriously hoping he can't do that without somebodies approval!! Because like it or not he's a better choice than the muslim or the dyke!!! I can't stand the thought of another Clinton in the White House.. And I get equally sickened thinking about that muslim piece of shit swearing into the highest office in the United States on the Koran!! If that happens next time I'm in court I'm going to ask to swear in on a roll of Charmin toilet paper...Same difference!!
Yes he is!! As much as I like the man I am seriously hoping he can't do that without somebodies approval!! Because like it or not he's a better choice than the muslim or the dyke!!! I can't stand the thought of another Clinton in the White House.. And I get equally sickened thinking about that muslim piece of shit swearing into the highest office in the United States on the Koran!! If that happens next time I'm in court I'm going to ask to swear in on a roll of Charmin toilet paper...Same difference!!

You're right, he is better than the Muzzy and the dyke. Clinton making it into the White House would really mean that this country has no desire to move forward. Think about it. Since 1980, there has been somone named Bush or Clinton in the White House. Twenty fuckin-eight years!
Obama isn't a Muslim. My wife's grandmother goes to the crazy black christian church on the south side he went to.
You're right, he is better than the Muzzy and the dyke. Clinton making it into the White House would really mean that this country has no desire to move forward. Think about it. Since 1980, there has been somone named Bush or Clinton in the White House. Twenty fuckin-eight years!

I actually agree with you guys.

I actually agree with you guys.

It's not crazy bro...I've said it a bunch of times before..You're the type of smart person who votes the person and not the party...

I do the same thing. I personally liked John Edwards and would've gladly voted him today had he not withdrawn..... I'm more than likely going to write in Ozzy or something on the democrat side and even though it won't mean anything in the pathetic state of Massachusetts I'm going to vote Huckabee now and McCain in Nov.
I actually agree with you guys.


Only one problem, lads: Muzzie and the Dyke are far more likeable than McStrained.

Whoa. Can't believe I admitted that!


Since most dummkopf Amerikans vote according to looks and personality, I'm afraid that its back to the most dramatic case of the 21st century, Nigga v. Cunt, 9th Cir.Ct.(2008).

It's not crazy bro...I've said it a bunch of times before..You're the type of smart person who votes the person and not the party...

I do the same thing. I personally liked John Edwards and would've gladly voted him today had he not withdrawn..... I'm more than likely going to write in Ozzy or something on the democrat side and even though it won't mean anything in the pathetic state of Massachusetts I'm going to vote Huckabee now and McCain in Nov.

I was hoping that either Biden or Edwards would have got the nomination, but I knew better than that from the beginning. I liked Biden because he was more of a hard hitting Democrat and isn't easily pushed around. I also liked that Edwards focused on many of the same issues that he ran his last campaign on. So he didn't seem like he would be flip-flopping on a lot of the issues like we will see with Hillary and Obama in the coming months. He had his vision and values of how he thought America should be ran and stuck with them..I like that. I don't agree with everything he said he would have done, but he seemed to be the most legit and honest person between the three. I've been thinking long and hard about who is going to get my vote, but honestly, there is not a single candidate left that I like:erk: This is going to be a tough choice this year.
I've been thinking long and hard about who is going to get my vote, but honestly, there is not a single candidate left that I like:erk: This is going to be a tough choice this year.
That goes for both parties bro....If us conservatives end up with McCain getting the nod I don't think we'll be too much better off than we are right now.......Hopefully I'm wrong....But there are better Republican candidates out there than him right now who probably won't get the chance..
I haven't decided yet. Whomever has the best border plan and is pro-gun gets my vote. I could deal with McCain if he picked up Thompson or Huckabee as his running mate. If he picks up Rudy, we're fucked.
t-man, I could never, ever vote for Edwards. Biden, I was ok with. Lieberman is another one I could have voted for. What we have left are candidates that are going to run the country based on opinion polls.
Democrats and Republicans alike said the economy was their most important issue. Democrats said the war in Iraq ranked second and health care third. Republican primary voters said immigration was second most important after the economy, followed by the war in Iraq.

This is from yahoo news. I can't believe that immigration seems more important than the war.
t-man, I could never, ever vote for Edwards. Biden, I was ok with. Lieberman is another one I could have voted for. What we have left are candidates that are going to run the country based on opinion polls.
I was just pointing out an absolute worst case scenario... Huckabee is my man!!! He's the most gun friendly of all the candidates. And I like the way he carries himself..I think he'll make on OUTSTANDING President if allowed the opportunity:headbang: