Its time to say the truth...about the natural disaster


A human being !?!
Isn't it easier to do the "what do you think about the new album" thingy now that it IS finally released???
Well, I can announce that I really love the new album (except of 2 songs...). I am neither dissappointed nor terrified, whatever...
I won't comment every song... my favourites are:
Pulled Under at 2000 metres a second (a really heavy and kick ass song...headbanging feeling included), Closer ( a bit weird but after hearing it more often... its also kick ass and very heavy... ), Flying (damn, this song really moved me... like One Last Goodbye did a few years ago... Vinnes voice really owns in this one... and the music is ear catching like) and Violence (Les really did a wonderfull job with the piano parts.. this song really got athmosphere and power... it moved me in a way I can`t describe...)
All in all its an album that nearly every fan should like, it has got a bit of everything, its massive, heavy, sometimes slow and lovely , sometimes even black-metallish but of so much intensity, diversity and expression... I tend to say that its one of their best outputs...right after Judgement and Alternative4 (but thats only my opinion)...
Dannie did a good job on the mic... although I like Vinnes vocals better... but Dannie won't have to hide as his vocals own a lot of other singers in this genre...Applause and congrats...
Its a doom album for me, without a doubt...and I am proud to be a fan...
I am sure I haven't yet mentioned everything...
Thats your job...
you said its heavy???now im more curious.i thought it would be all easy peasy in music style.Jamie kept his promise?ahhhhhhh
it's briliant stuff. better than judgment, maybe even better than afdte (i need time to decide on that.) i don't really want to compare it with older stuff. i dunno why john didn't attempt (?) to write even 1-2 songs by his own. he has written some great tunes the past few years. anyways, danny did an excellent job managing all alone to write not 4 or 5 but 9 songs on his own without even one weak one. i think that's amazing, to put so much effort by yourself, especialy when that wasn't the case for the previous albums. of course everyone contributes for the record to be great (vinnie's voice, les's "atmospheres", etc.)

closer remains a winner (INCREDIBLE song, i'm stunned), balance is me next fave one, violence, a natural disaster, hell... they're all very good. i just hope for a great tour and, why not, some more commercial success for the band. they fuckin' deserve it.

All in all I have to say that AND is surprisingly good. Exit was a minor disappointment, only because it couldn't live up to Judgement. To make that comparison, however, is not fair. Regarding AND: Love the vocals... very beautiful. Was surprised to hear the intensity of 2000, but from what I've read, we shouldn't expect more of the same. Shame. Still... not bad!
hey you got it wrong embla, youre supposed to say its shit like. e-argue properly ffs!

like childhood dream very, very, very much(seen as an intro for pulled under (wich is also very great)
are you there, still a wonderfull song
closer, OH MY GOD
harmonium, very nice
and every other song

fuck man, never heard another album like this for a very long time (i even don't remember)

and the winner for album of the year 2003 is

*roffel, roffel, roffel*

ANATHEMA, A NATURAL DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love all the tracks. Closer is one of the best for sure. i think my fave is Violence (the mood is a bit like One Of These Days by Pink Floyd.. ah, still Pink Floyd)

I've never heard an album like this since... A Fine Day To Exit :Spin: :)
Well, i arrived at my local virgin megastore at 9 am, almost making myself late for work in the process to find the stupid bastards hadnt bothered to get the new anathema album in...... grrrrrrr.....

So i have just ordered it off the net, and what with these poststrikes i just might get it by the next century! lol
nina (forum member sometimes) wrote a review for a belgian magazine, she said she likes it. and she gives it 6/7. she just regrets that balance sounds as radiohead cause she detests radiohead (cause her dad likes it) haha :)
Mariner said:
nina (forum member sometimes) wrote a review for a belgian magazine, she said she likes it. and she gives it 6/7. she just regrets that balance sounds as radiohead cause she detests radiohead (cause her dad likes it) haha :)
not a good revieuw i think
Don Corleone said:
well still she sucks, i dont care.

tell her that!
ah don. i dont like apc. ;) ah im just taking the shit out of you now

btw you gotta get yer hands on dredg - el cielo
this is brilliant :yell: triple platinum!!!!!!!
marginalé said:
not a good revieuw i think
ah just check yourself. its in the newest mindview. she got it right imo.
oh and the tims favourite review in there is shite. tho it gets 6 out of 7 :Dl. the reviewer misses any reference... (alice in chains or metallica for example are good references) and hes saying its almost doom and that its really original... :lol: