ITT Dick Sirloin says "thanks NAD, thank you for this John Garcia comp."


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins

Gardenia (Kyuss)
Life (Hermano)
Thong Song (Kyuss)
Muezli (Slo Burn)
Human Tornado (Unida)
If Only Two (Unida)
Wet Pussycat (Unida)
Black Woman (Unida)
Demon Cleaner (Kyuss)
The Bottle (Hermano)
Freedom Run (Kyuss)
Cowboys Suck (Hermano)
Angry American (Hermano)
Cain (Unida)
Slaylina (Unida)
Whitewater (Kyuss)

Also, here's the original thread, you'll notice that you posted in it right after I uploaded this the first time, and didn't even download it. :loco:
:lol: I totally missed that link...

Will listen to this once I re-fuel.

Oh, and thanks........ you fucking ringpiece!
Third time trying to download this, apparently my computer is running out of free space
Demilich said:
anyone else agree that this guy often gets unfairly buried in the mix or is that just me?
I wouldn't say unfairly, but yes, he does at times. Oddly enough, it works really well for him, it's almost like taming the beast just enough to where it doesn't get out of control. Or mabye I'm just a homo.

Ummmm, I think somewhere along the line I sent you Left Us To Mold by Unida, that song is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Garcia is definitely behind the mix, but since he's screaming his balls off, it works extremely well. I'll upload it later on for those that care.
I got "The Fucking Man" in my ipod library!

NAD: check out those dots songs I put up, you will dig
Dude. DUDE. Only listened once but this is NUTbustingly good, especially the Unida stuff