ITT: List things chupe should do whilst in Chicago this weekend


You may enter up to 25 ch
Apr 11, 2002
Where you live

1) Use the word 'whilst' other than by just saying, "Why must you stare whilst I pee?"
2) Get new Northwestern mug (see Frostgiant's thread)
3) Fill growlers from Onion Brewpub given to moi last fall with yummy beer
4) Take pictars
5) Paint a birdhouse
6) Think about what i done did
7) Order giant steak burrito as big as my head, devour all
8) Order & freeze 42 stuffed pizzas for trip home
9) Buy big freezer (possibly to be switched in order with #8)
10) Go on major diet (to occur after #7 & 8)
11) Talk in southern accent to piss people off
12) Talk about The Cardinals to piss people off
13) Talk about The Cardinals in southern accent to exponentially piss people off
14) Post bird house painted in #5 in left field wall warning track of Wrigley Field, with "A Cardinal Crapped Here" painted on it to more effectively piss off the whole city
15) Apologize, but don't mean it
16) Gain key to city
17) Change name of city to Atlantis and watch it sink into the sea (or lake)
18) Sell key to lost city of Atlantis on Ebay
19) Buy new electric toothbrush with proceeds
how did chupe start saying pictars!

p.s. a chinese dude in a business suit dropped his pants and matter-of-factly urinated on the subway platform at 4pm today!
20) Refer to self in third person every 3-5 minutes, mostly as "that jerk"
21) Use bejeweled limbs of others as bartering tools rather than take out home equity loan for gasoline
22) Make monkey faces at no less than 65% of passing cars
23) Plant an herb garden that WORKS
24) Come up with 500 new useless acronyms, using them as a sort of new language
25) Form own country located on the border of Illinois and Wisconsin known as Acronymisconsinois, or A. for short
26) Burn down small neighboring village and blame the Huns (also known as 'Cheeseheads')
27) Pillage porridge
28) Barf, because porridge is gross unless eaten blindfolded
yesterday i didn't think 16 could be topped, but then along comes 25. sometimes math just plain works.