ITT: Recommendations in the name of Dorian!

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
ITT: Everyone posts a reco in the name of Sir Dorian. It can be music, literature, TV programming, a cooking recipe, or a home improvement tip. In this thread we honor the man who spat in our faces. The man from Red Hook (TN) who could give two drops of monkey piss about a burrough named the Bronx.

Gernotshagen-Weltenbrand, Pagan Metal out of Germany. For the Heathen Crusading/ type. Krigloch take heed!

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heres some cool norwegian black metal

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Whilst yer at Costco already, they have a twofer deal on bigass Knob Crick bottles this week.