ITT: we are scott mcClellan, white house press secretary


Sep 12, 2002
hi, i'm single (*), i wake up at 7 am every morning for a breakfast of eggs and toast and bacon (watching the carbs), i enjoy golf on sundays, i love soft argyle socks, walks and hayrides, romantic comedies, some of the brighter sitcoms, and on sunday afternoon i strangle small dogs with my bare hands

(*) i may or may not be lying on this one!!! tee heh heh
"well, yes, of course, the appreciation of the iraqi citizens for allowing themselves to subjugate to our loving freedom is good, it's all good, the ex-patriates will go to great lengths to rejoinder the assumed statement of peace. a number of leaders, king cheops for instance - he states total anxiety for NOT joining up sooner, our peace train. OK, next question?"