ITT: we brag about nieces and/or nephews and/or cousins


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
my nephew gabriel is only 2 years old and has this uncanny ability to make discernable shapes when he draws pictures. i mean he was drawing the character Bruce from finding nemo and was able to draw a pretty decent version of the face as well as the dorsal fin and tail fin.

i think we may have an art prodigy on our hands but maybe this isn't as rare of a phenomenon as i am thinking.
Greg, I draw too, but I don't have 2 years old. I'll try to post here some stuff I did when I was younger and recent ones.

But what your nephew did? He watched a Bruce's picture and made the drawing at the same time (watching and copying)? If he did this, yes, it's a real ability, knowing he has 2 years old. I don't know how to do that up to day. In my case, I need to take classes for that.

Is he left handed? People left handed normally have the skill to draw. I would like to understand why.
I can participate in this thread as of 10 days ago.

Meet Tyler David... the reason I'll never have to marry or raise children because my genetic line has already been extended one more generation.
That she had an object in her hand and didn't try to eat it is proof enough of prodigyhood to me.
The smirk is genetic, you should see all my baby pics, I have the one brow raised and the smirk. Also, oddly enough, the baby looks more like me than my brother but before y'all jump to soap opera conclusions, I've never met my brother's wife.
I don't have a niece or nephew yet, but we have a little six-year-old cousin who fills pretty much that role. He is pretty awesome and likes our oldschool Transformers, G.I.Joes, He-Mans, and Star Wars figures better than the modern shit. Last time he came over he and I spent two hours playing two Cobra Vipers (Alley Viper and H.E.A.T. Viper) who were devising various traps and methods to capture the Joes. And he would always shoot them in the head once we had interrogated them.
xfer said:
I don't have a niece or nephew yet, but we have a little six-year-old cousin who fills pretty much that role. He is pretty awesome and likes our oldschool Transformers, G.I.Joes, He-Mans, and Star Wars figures better than the modern shit. Last time he came over he and I spent two hours playing two Cobra Vipers (Alley Viper and H.E.A.T. Viper) who were devising various traps and methods to capture the Joes. And he would always shoot them in the head once we had interrogated them.

also, he plays a mean game of "lick and smear" (this great game that toby and i invented that involves licking either a. someone's face or b. between the knuckles and then smearing the slimy saliva into the skin with your thumb.) "bury toby underneath four thousand pillows and then sit on top of pile of pillows and don't let him out" is also a good game that i *personally* taught him.

i believe that toby also taught him a great game called "that's your boyfriend" where they point out various unattractive men in the street and then shriek "that's your boyfriend!!" "no, that's YOUR boyfriend!"
haha yes mia! he is good at both of those.

he's also a little parrot, and you have to watch your mouth around him lest he repeat what you say in mixed company.

tnx greg. i will continue to boast about Luke.
My nephew's just turned five and he can count up to 583. And he blew everyone away at his recent piano recital, they were talking about'im in the halls like he was the next Mozart. Sayin'.