ITT: We Go Back in Time to March 1997

Greg Massi ( writes:
Hello Bruce fans my name is Greg Massi. I'm an 18 year old freshman guitar/music major at Providence College. If any of you watch Providence College basketball on T.V at our home games I'm the guitarist in the pep band just to let you guys know. Well on to Bruce. I've been a die-hard Maiden fan since 1994 and that's when I discovered "Balls to Picasso" and got blown away. I've been a huge Bruce fan ever since. "Balls" is my favorite of his albums but I love them all, and my mission for this year is to meet Bruce in person and see him perform live because I've seen Maiden play without him but I haven't seen him yet so that's my goal. I'm an avid composer writing all sorts of songs in various different styles and I'm currently in the band Maudlin of the Well. So that's all for now but I hope to hear from all you Bruce fans in Strange Death real soon. - Greg Massi

Thanks for introducing yourself, Greg. It's good to see some young blood in the ranks...heh. - JH
me march 1997= high on drugs in college somehow pulling perfect grades and having some sort of an epiphany/breakdown in which i became somehow famous and am still living it down.
i was a senior and it was totally fucking awesome. looking back i'm a little freaked out though.

also, that year i managed to vandalize almost all of massachusetts.
also i graduated in 1997. i moved to NYC, and moved back in a confused daze. after vandalizing it completely. from one end to the other.
ok here we go, may 1997 (close enough?)

Dear Josh,

This is Greg, I'll be getting your message to Toby. I just wanted to say
" Hi", and great job on the capt. smiley demo. Your guitar sound was heavier
than shit, and your solos rocked. Right now we're kinda working on the new
maudlin, and I have like a bunch of shit by my one man band Baliset that
needs to get fucking recorded before I forget it. Also I'm trying to get my
own metal band together. It was hard to do that up at P.C., where all the
musicians are Phish freaks, and I need to fucking rock. Anyway, I told toby
that when I get a band together, I'm going to try and get a metal night at
one of the on-campus places at Providence with whoever my band is, maudlin,
and Capt. Smiley, along with a friend of mine's band called Sorrow's Path,
they pretty much suck but the guys are nice to me and run the metal show on
the campus radio station, so I could also get maudlin, or capt. smiley played
really easily. Also I'm planning on getting some kind of multi effects pedal,
RP-1, type thing before the end of the summer, to help give me some cool
sounds. Well I'm gonna go now, but I'll talk to you later, and Toby invited
me to come if we ever go down to your area of the country, so I might see you
later as well. Well See-YA!

since it was march..I was also having my bookbag check for weed by the assistant coach everyday while I was at volleyball practice.

hah fuck you Mr. Plock my stash was always tucked in a sock!!