ITT: We say things we always meant to mention but never remembered to until now


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
Point: FuSoYa's screams are among my favorites in extreme yells in all of recorded music. They actually sound painful (both in expression and execution).

Not-so-counterpoint: Most death metal I find to be lacking in extremity, intensity, and overall gusto. When will these hooligans realize that the impact of brutality is strengthened by the contrast found in lighter passages?
Point: About a month ago, some rabid geese started hanging around our work's parking lot (which is next to a large pond/woods/forest preserve area) and hissing at anyone who walked remotely near them. After a few days of this, a sign was posted: "Caution: Aggressive Geese Nesting". The geese were apparently offended, because they began hanging out elsewhere.

Non-so-counterpoint: Today, the same geese (I assume they're the same, I didn't ask their names) were seen in the same area of the parking lot showing off several small goslings looking for food. I guess they were indeed actually nesting and not just being jerks.
Point: In researching what motherboard/cpu/ram/dvd-r/sound card/ etc to buy to make a new digital audio workstation, i believe i have come to the decision to bypass the usual PC-related cheaper sound cards with 2 or so inputs that will not work with protools to go for a used Digidesign 001 with ~6 inputs (?) & ProTools LE 5.1.1 or whatever. This was pushed by the fact that the local radio station I intend to work with (went to orientation last week!) uses ProTools for their entire production suite & will help me learn.

All-too-counterpoint: I will have to have the mother of all yard sales to pay for this, and likely be in debt forever. Yay!
Point: Listening to maudlin and reading Coleridge is oddly fitting.

Something-completely-different: I really wish Gorguts would release a new album.
Point: Realized I may never in my life see Paul Simon play live. Which is sad.

Counter-Point: His last album was so awful that I feel he may have finally lost it, and the above, at this point, is probably for the best.
i came to that paul simon realization when i heard about the simon/garfunkel appearances not too long ago, and was also saddened. however, i did receive the muppet show he appeared on as a birthday gift, and that will suffice as it was a decent era for him.