ITT, we talk about hometown/land bands that rule


Lord of the Whisky
Sep 21, 2002
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You folks in those excellent Scandinavian countries tend to rule these threads. As did anyone enjoying time in 'Cisco or Tampa during certain time frames back in the day. I'm just jazzed because Sacred Reich is doing two "warm up" shows before all the European fests this summer. Plus the re-release of Surf Nicaragua (hopefully Metal Blade makes the smart move and also re-releases American Way) and I'm all excited. :kickass:
The big local bands down here are:

Blood Stained Dusk
Convergence from Within
Quinta Essentia
and Octagon (Whose singer is now the new vocalist for Arghoslent :))
Your from Maryland? lol, you have a fucking laundry list of local bands then....albeit most of them arent active much any longer...or recently re-united for DOBD...but still. BTW, wtf...why werent you at DOBD if you're from Maryland?!?!

Because Im really fucking stupid :lol:
Work and life keeps me pretty busy but I really should have made that one.

And yea your right, I've got a boatload of bands from the area I could have listed. I was mostly thinking of cool unknown ones recently, although alot of people around here know Valkyrie.
big bands from Québec:

Quo Vadis
Despised Icon
Ion Dissonnance
Awesome band. Apparently they've been going to release their new album for almost ten years now... and are the Possessed-esque backing band.

I believe it's the Guitarist who owns a nifty little metal shop in Downey, CA. I need to head over there again one of these days. Motherfuckers live, eat, and shit metal! :kickass:


Released a demo, lost a member, gained a member, released one new song online, then toured a bunch and are still doing one off shows every now and then.

I loved them. I wish they'd fucking do something or update their website with something relevant.