ITT: We travel back to last Thursday to wish me a happy birthday.


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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happy b-day buddy!!!

For your b-day, I wish you the best of luck, success and prosperity and also that your girlfriend doesn't leave on Monday!

happy birthday azal!

hey man you should seriously get your girlfriend to lick your butthole, so if you ever break up at any point, you can be like "haha you licked my butthole!"
I got you a cake. Unfortunately, when I travel back in time, I'll emerge in a time before this cake was baked, and it'll turn back into a big mess of ingredients and decorative clowns...

And if the cake regresses, would your memory so you don't know it's Azal's birthday and you get all confused?
Well, if your memory went bye-bye why the hell would you go to Serbia? I mean if you find yourself there for no reason . . .won't you just seek to fly home?
I don't know....time travel is complicated. Hopefully if that were the case and I found myself with cake ingredients in Serbia last Thursday, I'd seek out azal anyway since I'd probably need a place to stay. While I was there, I'd probably leave the cake ingredients so he wouldn't have to survive on ketchup sandwiches for the rest of the week. I'm sure it'd all work out in the end.
If you were in Serbia, how would you know? I mean do you recognize any of the native language when you see or hear it?
I'd yell "pushi mi kurac" at the nearest passerby, and if they were offended, I'd know that I was at least in a Serbian-tounged country.

Then I'd ask someone where the guy with the vagina beard lives.