iTunes 10

just installed it

damn, this looks different.

biggest visual difference for a long time (at least since before i started using it). going to have a look around now. weird that they changed the icon graphic, that will take me some getting used to. although not weird that they finally got rid of the CD haha.

ping sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing what the crack is there.
Im hoping this PING thingie leads to me finding new awesome metal tunes... the fact that there isnt a 'metal' genre option to click thou made me doubt this =\
yeah, thats bizarre even though i basically never use them.

no gridlines is a weird one, won't make any real difference though. performance seems a bit snappier which is always good.

btw who else is on ping? search Ed Sokolowski and add me if anyone knows if it has any significance
I havent checked out the new itunes but i was reading about it on the apple site. I'm not really getting whats so differnt about it aside of being able to stalk musicians on itunes now just like facebook,myspace etc. And the look of the program is a little different. It was saying how now they have a bar for the ipod/phone/pad to show how much space is left on the device and what you actually have stored on it, but itunes already does that? And now you can arrange your apps on your stuff in itunes, but it also already does that? Can anyone shed some light on this.
How fast is iTunes for you Mac guys?

It's always really slow and sluggish for me, takes five times as long as any audio program to boot and responds a lot slower, I mean I could open Winamp about five or six times over by the time iTunes has decided to work, I dunno if this is just because its on Windows because to be fair most mac stuff I have is very responsive but iTunes, for me, is just a slow resource hog.
Öwen;9342391 said:
How fast is iTunes for you Mac guys?

It's always really slow and sluggish for me, takes five times as long as any audio program to boot and responds a lot slower, I mean I could open Winamp about five or six times over by the time iTunes has decided to work, I dunno if this is just because its on Windows because to be fair most mac stuff I have is very responsive but iTunes, for me, is just a slow resource hog.

This has been my experience as well
Öwen;9342391 said:
How fast is iTunes for you Mac guys?

It's always really slow and sluggish for me, takes five times as long as any audio program to boot and responds a lot slower, I mean I could open Winamp about five or six times over by the time iTunes has decided to work, I dunno if this is just because its on Windows because to be fair most mac stuff I have is very responsive but iTunes, for me, is just a slow resource hog.

It's not TERRIBLE on my PC, but it's not great either. If I try to drag a movie on though, it takes FOREVER. No idea, but it completely locks up just while I'm dragging the file across the screen.

The most annoying aspect of iTunes is that every update (whether it be 10.0, 10.1 or is 100mb. Do you really have to redownload the ENTIRE program every time? I don't know any other software that's like this :/

Other than that, iTunes is a pretty decent music player/organiser and an excellent marketing ploy to get me and everyone else to buy an iPod(s).
iTunes is slick on my mac, not sluggish at all.

James I'm talking about the album covers in album list view, you have 3 choices of small, medium and large. Coverflow takes up too much screen for me and a lot of the time you have to wait for the art to load of you scroll quick.

It's cool for iPods/iPhone etc but album cover list view is my favourite and it kind of sucks that the biggest option now is smaller than what I was using before.

Ping seems a bit pointless so far, I think it won't catch on a lot untill they resolve their issues with facebook connectivity.
Öwen;9342391 said:
How fast is iTunes for you Mac guys?

It's always really slow and sluggish for me, takes five times as long as any audio program to boot and responds a lot slower, I mean I could open Winamp about five or six times over by the time iTunes has decided to work, I dunno if this is just because its on Windows because to be fair most mac stuff I have is very responsive but iTunes, for me, is just a slow resource hog.

Zero problems on my Mac, but I've heard people with PCs having similar problems as you. It's a small gift from Apple to Microsoft users I suppose. :lol:

Microsoft Messenger is also fucking terrible on mac. At least on mine