I've created a monster!!


Miserable Bastard
Apr 16, 2001
Enfield, South Australia
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I was working in the lab late one night...

(A-HEM!) Do excuse me :D.

I was writing my latest chapter today, when it occurred to me that my two detective characters needed a boss to take instructions from and to answer to when they got things wrong. The entrance of one Detective Inspector Terry Markham appeared to solve this problem, at least until I read over my work for the day and discovered something all too familiar.

My so-called new character might as well have been Rod Smallwood :eek:. I think I'll leave him as he is so I can have some fun, but I'd better solve these serial murders PDQ before he starts complaining about the budget!

No. He's a balding copper in his early fifties who keeps rather a close eye on the department's purse strings. The "Markham" bit came from a street name quite near me. The jury's still out on "Terry", but I assure you it had nothing to do with Australia's most avid Nu_Tek 7 groupie :lol:.