I've got a powerfest 3-day set of tickets for sale...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Due to other shit, I cancelled my flight... gave the hotel room to a friend, and now I have 3 tickets (thur,fri,sat) that need to be gotten rid of.

I'm trying to think of a fair price, and I'll go with 15 each, 45 altogether. PM me if interested.
WOW....you are that much of a Battlestar Galatica fan that you are going to miss Pagan Fest, Iced Earth, Suidakra and Testament????


Chicago Comicon is in June26 - 29th if interested.
WOW....you are that much of a Battlestar Galatica fan that you are going to miss Pagan Fest, Iced Earth, Suidakra and Testament????


Chicago Comicon is in June26 - 29th if interested.


No... actually, something more important than BSG came up... Brother has leave for a few days around his birthday, his birthday is may 4th... and he's coming here.

I kinda saw this coming about a week or so ago, but didn't think much of it, and then when I got his itinerary in my email today, I saw the dates and noticed they coincided with CPF. So yeah, had to pick one or the other.

Not too happy about the amount of losses I'm cutting on this, but, meh... and next time I'm telling him to check if Iced Earth is playing any shows ANYWHERE when he decides to do this shit.

Edit: And I know that sounds odd... but yeah, he's the one person I'd actually give up seeing iced earth with barlow for. :p
Oh, I might want to mention, I try to avoid paypal as much as possible, been fucked over one too many times via paypal...

I can send them out certified mail, next day, so if you want to pay by check or cash or whatever, I can have it next day after I get the cash (or some kind of proof you have sent it, even a picture... since I understand this is really close to the date of the show. Worst that'll happen is I find and rape the money out of you if I don't get it)

Heres a picture of the tickets, to show they exist:

Oh, I might want to mention, I try to avoid paypal as much as possible, been fucked over one too many times via paypal...

I can send them out certified mail, next day, so if you want to pay by check or cash or whatever, I can have it next day after I get the cash (or some kind of proof you have sent it, even a picture... since I understand this is really close to the date of the show. Worst that'll happen is I find and rape the money out of you if I don't get it)

Heres a picture of the tickets, to show they exist:


Nice Absu plug dude :lol:
Yeah, I'm not too worried... theres progpower, which I'll probably divert the funds from the refunded plane ticket to snagging everything up for that.

As for Testament, I have a feeling that with the new record, they're gonna be touring pretty heavy this year.

In the meantime, looking into flights to other Paganfest stops, preferably those with suidakra.
Bob - Would you miss a show to hang out with either of your brothers???????

hell no....a few years back when my older brother got married, it was a week around the chicago date for Therion and I told him if Therion fell on the same date I would not be at the wedding. This did not go over well but it was the truth. Unfortunatly it was a week later and I was stuck at that damn wedding in hillbilly country for the whole day. not fun.

I bitched out on my brother for Heathen Crusade 2, though, he was around for 2 weeks then... so I caught up with him when I got back.

Iced Earth and Testament will be touring heavy in support of their new shit coming out, so I'm fairly certain I'll have plenty of opportunities to see them. Granted, if he were to be able to check his fucking email in a reasonable manner, I could have him just meet me in chicago, since he's a fairly big fan of Iced Earth. Thinking about it, he'll probably shit bricks, and buy us plane tickets when I tell him we're missing Iced Earth, hahaha. Don't even think he knows Barlow is back. :lol:
Testament is coming back through with H&H / Priest / Motorhead.

Do what you have to do.....
I have missed MANY shows in recent years to spend time with wife and kids. You got to do what you think is best for you.
Blood before metal. Kudos to you, sir. On a related note, I was trying to get my own brother to come up here for Powerfest. He's lived in hillbilly land for years now and has missed the boat on so many shows. He's not coming, and that makes me sad.
Testament is coming back through with H&H / Priest / Motorhead.

Local radio station says they have a "big" show announcement in 5 minutes... yesterday they announced a STP show for SLC, so I'm suspecting today would be the Judas Priest tour... sure as fuck hope it is.