I've got a question...


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Yesterday while we were walking the dogs, this fucking enormous Winnebago went past on the highway and it reminded me of a TV show that was on back in the early 80s or late 70s. It was an episode drama about a dad and his sons who drove around in a mobile home solving crimes or something. I'm fucked if I can remember what it was or even if it really existed. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Shazzam had a Winebago.

The superhero ond his mentor would cruise the countryside, and when danger appeared

who came up with the name "Winebago" ?

I always heard it and had no idea what it meant until someone pointed at a motorhome.

What's "Winebago" got to do with anything? If you take off the 'o' it's a bag to carry your goon in.
"Were picking up something on the radar Sir, it looks to be... a winnebago"