I've got a Raatikainen-related question

children of COB

Deadnight Drinker
Feb 6, 2006
I'm not sure wether to post it here or in the COBOT,because there threads are soooo off-topic,so I'll post here my question:

I like Necrophagist but I'm not exactly a big fan,so I don't know many things about the band.Bu today I was bored at university and I decided to check it(dunno why,just felt like it),and I read that the other guitarist is nowadays Sami Raatikainen.maybe this has been answered before and it's old news(I don't know because as I said I don't keep hecking Necrophagist site/forum),but has Sami something to do with Jaska?I know it's not a great thread,but I've got nothing else to do for 2 fucking hours(until the end of the lesson)and I wikipedia couldn't tell me anything.
I have never heard that they would be related but that doesn't mean anything... There are 1272 men whose last name is Raatikainen at the moment in Finland :)

(yep totally useless piece of information...)
And they look nothing alike either, this is Sami:

Im thinking of getting an amfisound custom in the future, but i dont know if i will, so many guitars i want :S
I thought Sami was blonde. Either way, he's fucking awesome, and the next Necrophagist album is on my list to look forward to after Blooddrunk and Wintersun's Time.
They were supposed to make up a few shows, one of them was the Allentown one. They decided, to make that show up, they'll play at a Skatepark at a shopping mall. That show got cancelled. Then they said they would play at a record store in Doylestown, that show got cancelled too. So I emailed Sami and asked what was going on, and he said that after the NY show(that we went to), they flew back to Germany because their tourbus died. But I heard that they played Jaxx the same day they supposedly flew back to Germany.

Maybe I don't have the story right, or Sami was confused, I guess I can't blame him. :lol:

I'll ask him again.
no way,:lol:
I put the wrong name:I was thinking of Christian Muenzner,who used to be the other guitar player in Necrophagist.Chris Ammot plays in Arch Enemy and uses Caparison ''normal'' shaped guitars,and has short blond hair,I can recognise him:lol: